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[投影機/幕] QED Satellite Cable 2選1









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發表於 2010-5-26 12:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

QED LSOH Coaxial Satellite Cable

LSOH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen). What does it mean and why is it better?

Most cables feature PVC insulation, some have a basic fire rating such as CL3, etc. Unfortunately, most cables give off hazardous toxic smoke during a fire, posing a very serious health risk. LSOH cables are made from a special compound that performs as well as PVC insulation, but crucially gives off very little smoke and no halogen toxins in the event of a fire.

Many leading architects and builders are now specifying LSOH spec cables as standard. Only LSOH cables meet the legislated fire specifications for boat installations.

This is a high performance genuine QED Professional install coaxial satellite cable, that delivers superb picture and sound. Ideal for LNB connections on Sky, Sky Digital, Sky+ and other satellite receivers. A true 75 Ohm high purity solid core centre conductor, ultra low loss dielectric and a double screen of Aluminium Mylar foil, combine to provide sharp, vivid pictures and dynamic sound. The QED Professional install coaxial cable is ideal for high end custom installs over short or long cable runs, and is perfect for most digital/analogue audio and video applications including aerial & satellite connections between your home cinema equipment.

The QED Professional Coaxial Satellite cable connects your Satellite Dish to your digibox as well as cable television for excellent all round results.

Cable Specification

Same day dispatch if ordered before 4.30pm (Mon to Fri)

Custom length - made to your exact requirements

LSOH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) High Performance outer jacket. Exceeds IEC332-1,IEC60754-1 & IEC60754-2

Termination options: F-Connectors (both ends); F-Connector to Male Coaxial Plug or F-Connector to Female Coaxial Plug.

Ideal for most digital/analogue audio and video applications including aerial & satellite connections

True 75 Ohm high purity solid core centre conductor ensures signal integrity - even on longer runs

Ultra low loss dielectric

Features close bond double screen of Aluminium Mylar and woven tinned copper braids for excellent noise rejection

Lilac Colour

24 Karat gold plated contacts maximise signal transfer

High Quality gold plated, coaxial F-connector plugs

6mm Diameter

Lifetime Warranty

QED Professional Coaxial Satellite Cable

This is a high performance genuine QED Professional install coaxial satellite cable, that delivers superb picture and sound. Ideal for LNB connections on Sky, Sky Digital, Sky+ and other satellite receivers. A true 75 Ohm high purity solid core centre conductor, ultra low loss dielectric and a double screen of Aluminium Mylar foil, combine to provide sharp, vivid pictures and dynamic sound. The QED Professional install coaxial cable is ideal for high end custom installs over short or long cable runs, and is perfect for most digital/analogue audio and video applications including aerial & satellite connections between your home cinema equipment.

The QED Professional Coaxial Satellite cable connects your Satellite Dish to your digibox as well as cable television for excellent all round results.

Cable Specification

Same day dispatch if ordered before 4.30pm (Mon to Fri)

Custom length - made to your exact requirements

Termination options: F-Connectors (both ends); F-Connector to Male Coaxial Plug or F-Connector to Female Coaxial Plug.

Ideal for most digital/analogue audio and video applications including aerial & satellite connections

True 75 Ohm high purity solid core centre conductor ensures signal integrity - even on longer runs

Ultra low loss dielectric

Features close bond double screen of Aluminium Mylar and woven tinned copper braids for excellent noise rejection

Clear/silver super flexible PVC sheath

24 Karat gold plated contacts maximise signal transfer

High Quality gold plated, coaxial F-connector plugs

6mm Diameter

Lifetime Warranty
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