I bought a seocnd hand SAEC 1010 HDMI Cable from a R33 member 3 months ago. Unfortunately, the cable failed to transmit any video or audio signal yesterday without any prior warning. There is no apparent scratch or damage on the surface of the cable and the cable has been used under normal room condition.
Being cautious, I plugged in a cheap "Duck Street" HDMI cable and the gears work perfectly (i.e. it is the SAEC cable that is out of order, not the gears). I further plugged the problematic SAEC cable into other gears for double check. Again, no video and no sound - certified dead.
I am really disappointed as I expect a lot better quality from a premium HDMI cable (around HK$3,000). Any SAEC owner experienced this type of unfortunate event before?
As I do not have the original purchase receipt, I am not sure if the HK dealer will do the repair for me. More importantly, can HDMI cable be repaired in the first place?
In the worst case, can I ship it back to Japan for repair?
I think you may better contact to SEC japan whether they can help you.
hellowe 發表於 2010-5-11 21:48
Thanks for your message. I did write an email to SAEC yesterday and I still have not received any response from the company. I will wait for a few days and see if SAEC values its customer feedback.
You better get some help from people who know Japanese as they will respond fast in Japanese communications. You are an unlucky one and seldom heard of problem with brand-name hdmi cable, particularly japanese brand. BTW, how much did you buy it ?
The point is if it is fake one selling for (say) HK$400 in Shenzhen, I can sort of "accept" that I am being unlucky. But this is a genuine article and produced by a reputable Japanese company. This really drives me crazy.....
I hope this is an isolated case and and I sincerely expect that SAEC Japan will fix it for me. Otherwise, I will lose confidence in these so-called hi-end cables.
Sorry to hear that Ching, even you bough it brand new, there always a chance it's faile to work, and this happen to different kinds of hi-end product, so hope for the best, and not to lose confidence just yet. Good luck
Denon 4308
Panasonic TH-P50VT30H
Sony PS3
Oppo 95
Pioneer BDP-05FD
Mirage Omni 150, Omni C-15, Prestige
Energy S8.3
Sound Master 18.3 + WLM Diva
Also, I am using SAEC SH-1010HDMI to connect Oppo BDP83 to Onkyo 707. However, when I use a 1.8m length, it seem Oppo could not connect to Onkyo at all times, almost 9 out of 10 that has the problem. Finally, I need to change to 1.2m in length, then the problem is solved. However, I do not know whether the 1.8m is a defect cable or... any problem. Now, I have used for 2 months, it do not have any issue... cross-finger... :)
Using a QED Sig. 2m HDMI, I do not have this problem.