AVC, ABC 區, 50GB, 1920x1080p FULL HD
Dolby ATMOS IN DOLBY True-HD, DOLBY True-HD 7.1 (24bit/96kHz), 粵語口述影像
粵語/國語對白, 中文(繁/簡)/英文字幕, IIB 級
1) 先行預告 Teaser
2) 預告 Trailer
3) 製作特輯 Making of
a) 動作篇 Action's Scenes
b) 城寨情懷篇 Sensations
c) 美術細節篇 Art works details
d) 城寨四子篇 Roles
e) 美術搭景篇 Backdrops
4) 幕後花絮 Behind the scenes
5) 攝製隊冒險深入九龍城寨重地 The filming
team took serious risks to shoot the deep
areas of Kowloon Walled City.
6) 訪問 Interview
7) 相片集 Photo Gallery