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[影音配件] Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 1st Gen (sold)









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發表於 2023-6-11 22:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 KaTongLau@G 於 2023-6-15 04:10 編輯

Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 $1200

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The Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 is the latest in the company's new generation of multi-channel USB-based audio interfaces, featuring eight award-winning Focusrite microphone preamplifiers, designed specifically for the computer interface environment, delivering legendary Focusrite sound quality. Focusrite's mic preamps are found in the world's top studios and give the 18i20 an unequalled level of performance, with low noise, minimal distortion and enormous dynamic range. The Scarlett preamps offer exceptional headroom and two front-panel inputs also offer 10dB pad buttons to handle the highest-level inputs without distortion.

Comprehensive inputs/outputs
With 18 inputs and 20 outputs, Scarlett 18i20 includes enough I/O to handle the vast majority of day-to-day studio tasks at maximum quality, with maximum flexibility. Scarlett 18i20 features six combo XLR/jack mic/line inputs plus two front-panel XLR/jack mic/line/instrument inputs with 10dB pad buttons, 10 analogue line outputs, two independent headphone outputs on the front panel and ADAT and S/PDIF digital I/O, plus MIDI I/O and Word Clock out for digital synchronization when required. The ADAT interface can be used to bring in digital sources or to add extra preamps such as Focusrite's OctoPre Mk II, bringing the mic pre complement to 16 channels, ideal for recording a complete band and minimizing overdubs.

Class leading digital conversion
This prodigious I/O capability is backed by Focusrite's class-leading precision digital conversion technology at sample rates up to 96 kHz, 24-bit, to ensure that you get the very highest quality into and out of your audio software all major DAWs are supported.

High channel count and Focusrite quality - now on USB 2.0 and iOS
Scarlett 18i20 is the USB complement of the tried and tested Saffire PRO 40 Firewire interface. Suitable for Windows, Mac and even iOS platforms, Scarlett 18i20's USB 2.0 connection suits almost any computer, helping you build a setup in which external storage and audio interfaces do not have to share the same computer bus (recommended for the best performance) if you have Firewire drives, for example, a USB audio interface is the best choice.

Eight high-quality award-winning Focusrite preamps
Scarlett 18i20 is the best sounding interface in its class. Focusrite's unparalleled reputation for audio excellence forms the foundation of this new interface, with eight award-winning Focusrite preamps.

High-quality 24-bit/96kHz USB 2.0 interface compatible with Mac, Windows and iOS
Features high quality A-D / D-A at up to 96kHz, 24bit. Pristine audio quality and rock-solid synchronization are assured on Mac and Windows as well as driver-free operation on the iOS platform.

18 inputs 20 outputs
Scarlett 18i20 boasts an extensive range of analogue and digital I/O capabilities including ADAT I/O which can enable an additional eight inputs and outputs.

Dual independent headphone buses
Give two artists independent, fully-customized monitor mixes - each with an independent front-panel level control.

Scarlett MiXControl ultra-low-latency DSP mixer/router
Maximizing routing flexibility and intuitive one-click set-up solutions, Scarlett MiXControl provides an 18 x 8 DSP mixer with powerful routing and monitoring capabilities.

Unmatched routing flexibility
Scarlett 18i20 is the most flexible interface in its class, enabling you to intuitively adapt it immediately to the needs of any recording session. Route any input signal or DAW output or a mix of both, to any output.

Comprehensive bundle of included software
Comes with Ableton Live Lite ground-breaking production and performance software, Scarlett Plug-in Suite EQ, compression, gating and reverb, Novation Bass Station - software model of the classic Novation analogue mono-synth and 1GB of Loopmasters samples.


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