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EOS 7D 對焦系統與操作 ... 原廠影片教學 (轉載)









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轉載自 mobile01 相機與攝影分區: Canon 單眼相機


之前有很多朋友老是說到 7D 的對焦方式或者操作就開始激辯,這邊把幾個 C 佳原廠的教學影片連結給大家看吧,這些其實大概都可以在操作手冊找到,但是影片可就更容易懂,至於看不太理解到英文的,請把相機拿出來跟著操過,邊猜邊學也總是會懂。不懂的部份請再提出來吧 ... 雖然不見得我有能力回答,但相信 有很多高手可以解說! !

以下是把各影片的主要文字部分,以簡單文字作翻譯於弧內,這並非完全對應到相機內的用詞或是原文,如果有錯請包涵! 不過,此舉只想讓不想希望理會英文原文既朋友,簡單知道該影片既重點,如欲參閱原著,請到這邊看 ... Canon7D 對焦系統教學影片 (英文原文)

下載及播放指導教學於 EOS 7D's LCD 播放相關影片。請跟隨指示點擊 PDF 檔資料: Download Instructions for CF Cards
另備有 iPhone 或 iPod 檔下載!

EOS 7D Tutorial Videos: Table of Contents
(7D 教學影片,內容說明 ~ EOS 7D Tutorial Videos: Table of Contents)

Video #01: Automatic AF point Selection
(影片 01: 自動對焦點的選擇 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• In AI Focus quickly compose off center subjects without locking focus and recomposing
• In AI Servo AF track a subject as it moves through the frame

Right Click 後揀選 Save Target as 下載存檔,留待日後參考 ...
7D LCD, 318 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 10.1 MB
iPod (320x180), 7.1 MB

Video #02: Manual AF point Selection
(影片 02: 手動對焦點的選擇 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Selecting an AF point for precise focus
• Two methods of selection: Viewfinder or Quick Control
   (兩種選擇的方法:觀景窗或快速控制 )

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7D LCD, 141 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 7.4 MB
iPod (320x180), 5.5 MB

Video #03: Spot AF or AF Point Expansion
(影片 03: 重點自動對焦或自動對焦點擴展 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Reduce the size of an AF Point for greater precision
• Expand AF points to a cluster of points to track a moving subject
   (擴大對焦點到群集範圍跟蹤移動物體 )

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7D LCD, 247 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 7.1 MB
iPod (320x180), 6.2 MB

Video #04: Zone AF
(影片 04: 區域自動對焦 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Automatically chooses the AF points to focus on the nearest subject in the Zone
• Moving the Zone of AF points with either dial or the Multi-Controller
   (使用選轉盤快速控制自動對焦區域 )

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7D LCD, 71.7 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 6.2 MB
iPod (320x180), 5.2 MB

Video #05: Memorizing AF points
(影片 05: 記憶自動對焦區域 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Register one AF point for horizontal shooting and one for vertical shooting
• Automatically change AF points as camera is moved from horizontal to vertical

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7D LCD, 212 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 11.9 MB
iPod (320x180), 9.3 MB

Video #06: AF Custom Functions
(影片 06: 自動對焦的客制功能 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Setting the AI Servo tracking sensitivity
• Customize by selecting from several focusing system options

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7D LCD, 218 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 8.4 MB
iPod (320x180), 7.4 MB

Video #07: Image Quality Options
(影片 07: 影像品質選項 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Fine-tune the camera using a series of image quality options:
• Highlight Tone Priority to extend dynamic range in bright and high contrast conditions
• Auto Lighting Optimizer for adding detail in shadows and underexposed areas
• Peripheral Illumination Correction helps reduce vignetting through customized settings per lens
• Three levels of High ISO noise reduction

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7D LCD, 187 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 5.3 MB
iPod (320x180), 4.4 MB

Video #08: Viewfinder Options
(影片 08: 觀景器的選項 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• New transmissive LCD allows a range of information displayed in the viewfinder
• Illumination of AF points and grids in the viewfinder

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7D LCD, 82.4 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 6.2 MB
iPod (320x180), 4.9 MB

Video #09: Electronic Level Display
(影片 09: 電子資訊顯示 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Using the Info button to toggle on the Electronic Level on the rear LCD monitor
• Using Electronic Level display in the viewfinder, by pressing new M-Fn button

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7D LCD, 314 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 10.7 MB
iPod (320x180), 8.5 MB

Video #10: Live View Basics
(影片 10: 即時影像基本功能 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Composing and viewing on the LCD monitor; ideal for remote camera shooting
• Two silent shooting modes and three Live View AF modes

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7D LCD, 273 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 11.1 MB
iPod (320x180), 6.7 MB

Video #11: Movie Mode Basics
(影片 11: 影片模式基本功能 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Activation of EOS Movie Mode
• Selecting from several frame rate choices

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7D LCD, 192 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 22.9 MB
iPod (320x180), 7.9 MB

Video #12: Movie Mode Settings
(影片 12: 影片模式設定 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Choice of manual focus, or three AF modes; AF via shutter button or AF-ON button
• Full manual exposure control in Manual Mode

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7D LCD, 392 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 27.8 MB
iPod (320x180), 12.1 MB

Video #13: Customizing Operations
(影片 13: 客製化操作模式 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Customize your camera by altering ten different controls
• Resetting all customization back to factory defaults

Right Click 後揀選 Save Target as 下載存檔,留待日後參考 ...
7D LCD, 212 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 9.4 MB
iPod (320x180), 7.2 MB

Video #14: Battery Display
(影片 14: 電池顯示 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• LP-E6 battery with electronic chip for precise readouts
• Battery information available through the set-up Menu on the LCD

Right Click 後揀選 Save Target as 下載存檔,留待日後參考 ...
7D LCD, 33.1  MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 3.9 MB
iPod (320x180), 2.2 MB

Video #15: Flash Functions
(影片 15: 閃光燈功能 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Trigger off-camera Speedlites with built-in flash
• Apply full ratio control and separate exposure compensation to up to 3 groups of off-camera flashes

Right Click 後揀選 Save Target as 下載存檔,留待日後參考 ...
7D LCD, 240 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 9.2 MB
iPod (320x180), 7.0 MB

Video #16: Basic WFT
(影片 16: 無線基本功能 ~ 直接點擊參考)
• Wireless file transmission to computers and hand-held devices
• Bluetooth connectivity to compatible GPS devices or other DNLA compatible devices

Right Click 後揀選 Save Target as 下載存檔,留待日後參考 ...
7D LCD, 54.5 MB ZIP File
iPhone (640x360), 4.7 MB
iPod (320x180), 4.6 MB
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