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Media Player: Xtreamer v2.3.1 Firmware Release (March, 2010)









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v2.3.1 Firmware Release (Patch)

Emergency Firmware Procedure

Release Note Xtreamer ver 2.3.1

Bug fixes:

1. System crash during Flac/Ogg/Wav file playback. Fixed.

2. System crash during playback or navigation in the “Internet” section with an internal HDD formatted by another formatting tool and not by Xtreamer. Fixed



Download and installation instructions:

1. Download the file.
2. Save the file on your computer (any directory) and unzip\unrar it.
3. Copy XTR file to a USB memory stick (formatted FAT32) and use the USB host port on your Xtreamer.
3. Turn on your Xtreamer and navigate to the SETTINGS -> SYSTEM menu options.
4. Find and select the FIRMWARE UPGRADE option
5. Navigate to the USB memory attached to your Xtreamer containing the firmware update file.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend to upgrade the firmware via your network shared folders, as a loss in connection to the network could cause a break in the firmware upgrade process.

7. Once you have located the file, highlight the file and press ENTER on your remote to begin the upgrade process.
8. The Xtreamer will reboot and the process will be done in matter of few minutes. Once done the Xtreamer will reboot itself.
9. After the process is finished, you may want to do a RESTORE DEFAULT in the SETTINGS menu.


Release Note Xtreamer ver 2.3 (from ver2.2)

New Features:

1. Play files and folders from remote distance with TV UI screen shot:

a. Play files directly from web UI to TV

- Click Play button next to file name to play that file directly on TV

b. Play all files of a folder directly from web UI to TV

- Click Play button next to folder name to play the files of that folder directly on TV

c. Playlist play option from web UI to TV

- You need to make playlist from web UI or TV if not exists

- Click Play button from playlist window (Video/Audio/Photo) to play that playlist directly on TV

d. Play playlists from Web Remote Control to TV by one click

- You need to make playlist from web UI or TV if not exists

- Click Movies/Music/Photos button from web remote control to play

corresponding playlist directly on TV

e. Currently playing file information and remote control by viewing “TV Screen Shot”

- Currently playing file name is viewable from main page of “RC”

- Click on that file name to see more information about it

- Go to “RC” sub page and click “Screen Shot” button to control your TV viewing screen shot

- Or go to “RC2” and click on TV icon at the left to control your TV viewing screen shot

- Currently need to refresh page to see updated Screen Shot

2. Auto run

a. Go to Setup->Playback->Auto Run and select the playlist you want to play


b. Whenever you will turn Xtreamer on or reboot your selected playlist will be auto


c. For photo playlist you need to select

“Setup->Playback->Background Music->Playlist” for background music to be auto


3. Arabic and Hebrew subtitle language RTL or LTR select option in

a. From “Setup->Subtitle/ID3-tag” user can select RTL or LTR for Arabic and Hebrew subtitle

b. This option can be applied for UTF-8 formatted subtitle

Bug Fixes:

4. Can’t play YouTube video from Internet menu

5. System crashed while file playback in UPnP

6. Subtitle goes out of screen

a. left/right edge cut in some TV, so reduced subtitle area

7. Arabic and Hebrew subtitle bug

a. Arabic and Hebrew subtitle lines reversed

b. Punctuation marks appears reversed

c. In Arabic subtitle Glyphs FE70, FE72, FE74, FE76, FE78, FE7A, FE7C and FE7E not in the right place!

8. User’s custom radio channels saved in /sda1/myradio directory is not visible in “Internet Radio->*myradio*”

9. Internet radio crashed if Radio station name is long

10. While using external HDD only, both USB and HDD icon activated.

a. Fixed only for HDD formatted with Xtreamer

11. “Func” key displayed in “Medialibrary->Network Shares”

Changed Default settings:

12. By default “UPnP Media Server”, “Web Server” and “FTP Server” are off.

a. Turned off by default for users complain of security measure and to reduce system process.

Known Bugs and Issues:

A. Random crash in Internet Menu without internal HDD.

B. Crash during navigation between some movie files in “Media Library” while preview mode in on.

C. Wrong information displays about “fps” during playback

We will release patch version FW to solve above bugs as soon as possible.

Emergency Firmware Procedure


Before starting the procedure of emergency recovery - Please make sure you are using the AV RCA cables and not HDMI. Some TV HDCP protocols may cause problem to show the procedure on TV.

(1) Download the Xtreamer Emergency file
(2) Extract the file install.img
(3) Format a USB stick FAT32 and copy the “install.img” file to the root.
(4) Disconnect all the cables, remove WIFI antenna and any other USB storage devices. Take the unit out of the electricty power on the wall for 30 minutes. Plug the power in again.
(5) In Remote control, press “Home”(release button) -> “3”(release button) -> “Power”(release button). Press the buttons with a 1 sec pause.

Any other sequence will fail and nothing will happen as the call for this procedure is initiated by HOME button pressed first...

If the firmware is not in the root of the USB the process will fail as the process seek the .img in the USB root.

Process Emergency upgrade should be visible on the screen if done correct.

Please note : After “intro” screen, if system boots without further update procedure, re-try emergency firmware update while powering-off the unit. It means you did not do it in the correct way. PRESS the HOME first and after 3 and after POWER while the unit is OFF.

It might be necessary to run the procedure several times. If you are not successful you may need to use another USB stick.
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