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發表於 2021-11-25 08:51
本帖最後由 陳永仁 於 2024-7-25 15:50 編輯
jc2ssych 發表於 2021-11-24 17:33
我只係對呢種比較提出質疑,因為 budget 唔同。然後你就將其上升為指控,粗疏地將 ...
You are just getting increasingly hysterical. Right from the start, you deliberately misconstrue every word I have said about Benny Chan and his movies. And everytime I debunk your absurdity with facts, you just get even more belligerent. This time, you can't even stop yourself from swearing. If you have to express your opinion in a foul language over something so minor, you are the one being uncivilised and running out of things to say. So how come you still reckon you are in any place to condemn me?
Speaking of low budget films, Following(1998), Christopher Nolan's directorial debut, only cost USD6400. In the eyes of so many high-quality moviegoers, it's way better and more intelligent than any of the repetitive MCU garbage. Not because Following(1998) only cost far less than even 1% of the production budget of a MCU movie, it's because Following(1998) is indeed a masterpiece and the MCU simply recycles the same kinda excrement over and over again. Which shows that movies should only be classified as good or bad. People just wanna watch something that can excite them, they certainly don't have the stomach for endless politically correct preaching.
三五成群(1999) is even far more economical than 十年, which completely meets your requirements for being a low budget, independent film. In my opinion, 三五成群 surpasses 十年 in everything on every level. The only reason why the former effortlessly outmatches the latter is that, it's not some kinda liberal propaganda that promotes degeneracy and morbidity, it's 100% based on facts and every cast member in it delivered outstanding performance. Good actors, a good story, and last but not least, good directing and editing, are what it takes to be a good movie. Which doesn't really have much to do with how much money is thrown into it.
Is 十年 a bad movie? To be fair, even I might not have been very gracious about it, I do find three out of five chapters coherent. Lamentably, the other two chapters which promote the racial extermination of my race and suicidal thoughts, really make me lose my appetite.
From my point of view , 十年 is a contradiction. I have never seen a movie this nonsensical, raising concerns about the survival of the local culture whilst promoting the demographic replacement of the indigenous people.
In nationalist movies like, 300 and Braveheart, we don't see the Greeks teaming up with Chinese troopers against the Persians or the Scots getting in line with the Mongolians/ Muslims against the English. We don't even see them complaining that their countries are too homogeneous or condemning themselves for being too racist whilst vowing to fight to the death to thwart a foreign invasion. Even in the face of Armageddon, true patriots don't get themselves bred out of existence with foreigners looking nothing like them , in exchange for not getting conquered by a common descent. Except for the typical, anti-German, WWII movies, that got funded by a tribe that got thrown out of 109 countries, we don't see any race fighting amongst themselves for the total annihilation of their lineage and the deprivation of their essential liberty.
See? I am very eager to talk about movies. I just happen to be much more harmonious |