Step-by-step instructions are provided to construct the popular line-level interconnect cable design by Jon Risch. Full technical details of the cable design are noted on Jon's site. This is an unbalanced RCA interconnect cable design using the low capacitance Belden 89259 coaxial cable. Belden 89259 is a RG-59/U plenum rated coax cable with a stranded (7x30) center conductor and bare copper braid shield. Insulating materials are FEP (Teflon) dielectric and outer jacket. The heavy copper shield, low capacitance and premium insulating materials make this a super cable for a wide range of DIY audio cable projects, it works great for speaker cable, interconnect and digital cables. The Belden 89259 cable comes highly recommended by Jon Risch.
Required Parts and Tools
The following parts will be required to complete a stereo pair of the interconnect RCA cables. All of the noted parts are available from
Belden 89259 RCA Cable Construction
A section of the Belden 89259 coaxial cable which identifies the cable jacket, shield, insulator and conductor is shown below in Photograph 4.