Hollywood Reporter獨家報導,指稱詹姆斯柯麥隆正在和福斯公司討論重新上映(Re-release)阿凡達的相關事宜,這一次的重新上片將以3D戲院為主,重新上片日期預定在夏末,並且會是加長版,加入的是為了趕上去年12月18日(美國的正式上片日期)檔期,而剪掉的片段(James Cameron and Fox are in discussions about rereleasing "Avatar," primarily in 3D theaters, in late summer -- and, tantalizingly, with additional scenes that had been left on the cutting-room floor in the rush to ready the epic for its Dec. 18 release.)。
加長版到底會加入多長的片段?目前有兩個說法,第一個說法是柯麥隆先生曾經說過,有10到12分鐘的片段可以很快的完成後製,準備加入可能重新上片的所謂導演版,或是作為DVD特別收錄中的刪剪片段(Cameron had said that he had 10-12 minutes of extra scenes that he cut and could quickly put through postproduction and have ready to add to a director's cut for a theatrical reissue or as an extra on the DVD release.)。
第二個說法是,IMAX的執行長(CEO)Richard Gelfond在Gabelli & Co.的投資人於紐約召開的會議中轉述,柯麥隆說有差不多40分鐘的刪剪片段沒有放入戲院版,Gelfond並預測重新上片的時間可能在秋天(the guessing began early Thursday when Imax CEO Richard Gelfond said during a Gabelli & Co. investor conference in New York that Cameron had about 40 minutes of additional material that didn't make the theatrical cut. He also predicted a rerelease, which he said probably would occur in the fall.)。
還有第三個情況,那就是IMAX的類比戲院(analog Imax theaters,這裡我想是指相對於數位版,也就是像台北美麗華影城IMAX廳放映的膠卷版)有170分鐘的放映極限(The maximum length a movie can be released in analog Imax theaters is 170 minutes),而柯麥隆也知道IMAX的這個問題,所以他可能會在160分鐘的戲院版之外,只多加入10分鐘的刪剪片段。