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[Youtube 短片分享] WHIZZ - Summer Sea (Official Music Video)









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發表於 2020-7-22 10:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Flung myself into you
Blue colours all around my sight
Winds come through
Rake my skin
Reminding me of you

I just wanna fall into
I just wanna stay in you
And I don’t wanna flat onto
I just wanna drown in you

And I wanna be
deep deep da lu do
deep deep da lu do
deep deep da lu in you
And I wanna be
deep deep da lu do
deep deep da lu do
deep deep da lu in you

Even winter is coming through
I must be always missing you
I’m gonna run and jump into the ocean blue
And that’s so cool

Fall into
I just wanna stay in you
And I don’t wanna flat onto
I just wanna drown in you


Actor: 戴玉麒 @yukkitai
Actress: 余子穎 @yutszwing

Director: Gary Hui @garyhui42
Producer: Justin Chan @kwunlokchan
Art Direction: Yasmin Cheung @yasminccy
DOP: Travis Good @travisgoood
B-Roll: Sam Chan @samchan711
Lighting: Kelvin Law @kelvinlaw16
Colorist: Eric Chan @ericcyc_
MUA: Sakura Chow @sakuraous___
Hair: Billy Wong @shingshingo3o
Layout: Young Joey @youngjoey32
Making of: Jane Lam Lok Man @softandsoundstudio_
Special Thanks: 周鈞 @zk.chow, Antsy.L @antsy97_, Carlos @cow10_


Composed and Lyric by : Jess@WHIZZ / YuShanWong@WHIZZ
Produced by : 李拾壹@Lowland Pianist / WHIZZ
Arranged by : WHIZZ
Programming by : Moo@WHIZZ
Acoustic Guitar by : Moo@WHIZZ
Electric Guitars by : Moo@WHIZZ / YuShanWong@WHIZZ
Bass Guitar by : Bowie@WHIZZ
Drum by : Jess@WHIZZ
Main Vocal by : YuShanWong@WHIZZ
Backing Vocals by : 李拾壹@Lowland Pianist, WHIZZ
Vocal Recorded by : Bowie@WHIZZ at Goomusic Studio
Drum Recorded by : 介@GIGSTUDIO
Mixed and Mastered by : Ma Man Kin


▼ Follow WHIZZ
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/3fJp9Z...

Apple Music / iTunes: https://music.apple.com/hk/artist/whi...

JOOX: https://joox.page.link/1WVxZQ

KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/USYGW4
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