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[CD唱片] VA Rock Anthems 5CD 全新 (包郵)









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VA Rock Anthems 5CD 全新 (包郵) $250  

5張CD套裝。 搖滾歌曲-終極收藏匯集了五種最新和最偉大的音樂巨人的唱片,包括當代名字,如The Killers,Fall Out Boy,Papa Roach,Sum 41和Stone of Queens,以及真正出色的Classic Rock堅定者 例如Kiss,Free,Lynyrd Skynyrd和Asia等。

Disc: 1
1. Last Resort - Papa Roach
2. Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
3. Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm
4. All The Small Things - Blink 182
5. 100 Mile High City - Ocean Colour Scene
6. Gravitys Rainbow - Klaxons
7. No One Knows - Queens Of The Stone Age
8. Wild One (Real Wild Child) - Iggy Pop
9. Word Up - Gun
10. Baby I Don't Care - Transvision Vamp
11. Our Velocity - Maximo Park
12. This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us - Sparks
13. Easy Livin - Uriah Heep
14. Dakota - Stereophonics
15. Wild Thing - The Troggs
16. Always The Last To Know - Del Amitri
17. In A Big Country - Big Country
18. Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
19. Love Song - Tesla
20. Jessica - Allman Bros Band

Disc: 2
1. Shout - Tears For Fears
2. Epic - Faith No More
3. Walk Idiot Walk - The Hives
4. Celebrity Skin - Hole
5. Weak - Skunk Anansie
6. Golden Skans - Klaxons
7. Hey - The Vines
8. Still Waiting - Sum 41
9. The Bartender & The Thief - Stereophonics
10. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
11. Heavyweight Champion Of The World - Reverend & The Makers
12. We Apologise For Nothing - Fightstar
13. Going Underground - Jam
14. Hair Of The Dog - Nazareth
15. I Believe In A Thing Called Love - The Darkness
16. Banquet - Bloc Party
17. The Riverboat Song - Ocean Colour Scene
18. Inside - Stiltskin
19. Sowing The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears
20. Zombie - The Cranberries

Disc: 3
1. God Gave Rock And Roll To You - Kiss
2. Heat Of The Moment - Asia
3. Hard Ride - Raven
4. Baby Jump - Mungo Jerry
5. Ridin' With Angels - Samson
6. Doctor Doctor - UFO
7. Don't Know What You've Got Til It's Gone - Cinderella
8. Gimme All Your Lovin' - ZZ Top
9. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
10. You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet - Bachman Turner Overdrive
11. All Right Now - Free
12. Since You Been Gone - Rainbow
13. Ballad Of Jane - L.A. Guns
14. You Wear It Well - Rod Stewart
15. Whiskey In The Jar - Thin Lizzy
16. Something In The Air - Thunderclap Newman
17. Love Hurts - Nazareth
18. Tower Of Strength - Mission
19. Wind Of Change - Scorpions
20. Parisienne Walkways - Gary Moore

Disc: 4
1. 20th Century Boy - T
2. Standing In The Way Of Control - The Gossip
3. Pretend We're Dead - L7
4. I Wanna Go Where The People Go - Wildhearts
5. Saturday - The Enemy
6. Get Out - The Vines
7. Cry Crybaby - The Datsuns
8. Helicopter - Bloc Party
9. Readers And Writers - Idlewild
10. Armed And Ready - The Michael Schenker Group
11. Hedonism - Skunk Anansie
12. Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
13. Something About You - Thunder
14. All In Your Mind - Stray
15. Down Down - Status Quo
16. Motor Bikin' - Chris Spedding
17. Ten Miles High - Little Angels
18. Don't Believe Me A Word - Thin Lizzy
19. New Orleans - Gillan
20. Stand Up - Prodigy

Disc: 5
1. Screamager - Therapy?
2. This Flight Tonight - Nazareth
3. (You Can Still Rock) In America - Night Ranger
4. Natural Born Bugie - Humble Pie
5. Nuclear Attack - Gary Moore
6. Tomorrow Night - Atomic Rooster
7. Rocky Mountain Way - Joe Walsh
8. Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric
9. Between The Lines - Pink Fairies
10. If The Kids Are United - Sham 69
11. Oriental Beat - Hanoi Rocks
12. Solitary Confinement - The Members
13. Going Left Right - Dept. S
14. Police Car - Larry Wallis
15. Butcher Baby - Plasmatics
16. Starcrossed (Lovers Of The Night) - Diamond Head
17. Race With The Devil - Girlschool
18. Kayleigh - Marillion
19. The Spirit - Magnum
20. Conquistador (Live with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra) - Procol Harum


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