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[CAS軟件] PC Audio : MusicBee 3.3.7115 Launched-Sound Unbelievable Good ( > , < )









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PC Audio :
MusicBee 3.3.7115
( Sound Good ! ! ! )
Released on June 26, 2019
For Win7/ Win8/ Win10

MusicBee - The Ultimate Music Manager and Player

MusicBee makes it easy to manage, find, and play music files on your computer. MusicBee also supports podcasts, web radio stations and SoundCloud integration

Get MusicBee, you will never go back. And it's free!
Download Now
For Win7/ Win8/ Win10

Check out features
See the best of MusicBee

Simple, Powerful, and Fast
Play your music the way you want. Turn your computer into a music jukebox. Use auto-tagging to clean up your messy music library. Enjoy a great music experience with MusicBee.

Sound Quality Matters
Whether you play your music on an audiophile setup or on a laptop, MusicBee is designed with features to fulfill all your needs.

Fine-tune the sound with the 10-band or 15-band Equalizer and DSP effects

Utilize high-end audio cards with WASAPI and ASIO support

Listen to music without interruption with gapless playback

Upmix stereo to 5.1 surround sound, or resample track to lower bitrate

Use logarithmic volume scaling or normalize volume streaming

Even better, MusicBee supports some WinAmp plugins to enhance your music

Beautiful Skins
Change the appearance of MusicBee by choosing from the included skins or download more from our Add-on section.
Skins are a great way to personalize MusicBee to your liking.

You can also make your own skin and share it with others.

Sync with Devices
Sync your music collection with devices you use. MusicBee supports playlist and podcast syncing, even supports audio books with 2 way syncing.
Convert formats on the fly if your device does not support certain formats.

You can also sync your Android and Windows Phone (8.1+) devices.

Groove Music Support
MusicBee has native support for Groove Music (formerly Xbox Music). You can stream directly from MusicBee or add to your existing playlist, get song recommendations from the vast Groove catalog.

Want to listen to a song before buy? You can listen to preview.

last.fm, CD Ripping, Tagging tools.... plus more!
MusicBee packs a comprehensive set of features to make your music experience better.

Yet it is one of the most lightweight player using about 25-70 MB ram* with skins and add-ons, and packs all of these under 10 MB!

*Tested with MusicBee 3 with a library of 200 albums, sized around 3GB.

The Best.... rated by reviewers and users
MusicBee is rated one of the best music managers and players available for Windows. It packs features that will WOW you.

We have a dedicated thread for users to share their experience or check reviews from trusted sources.

Start using MusicBee today. You will never go back.
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