Waiting approx 2 month, Just got it yesterday, There are picture about unbox . The projector mount still need further adjustment . After projector mount adjustment , I will post more picture about its picture quality with default picture setting (without calibration) and Post the result of its original pre-calibration setting later.
Just a preliminary feeling. The black level is still so excellent . JVC look more film rather than Sony projector. ( I own a VPL-360es before). Sony projector is very clear, sharp but also a little bit digital feeling. But JVC can give a feeling more like as cinema . Compared to Previous JVC model, the HDMI handshakes time has much shorten .
Compared to Sony projector. JVC throw distance is little bit longer than Sony
There are some picture which show 4K HDR and 4K SDR source based on JVC original default setting without any post-calibration.
Remark : The pictures cannot 100% show the actual quality of real image on both color accuracy , black level and contrast performance
The attached picture is took by the following condition
Projector screen : 80" OS WEF302 (gain 1.0)
JVC N7B (origibal JVC default setting without post-calibration except Lamp power set as low and iris is set as -2
Picture are took by sony RX100 iV and iphone x
Pioneer LX800 UHD bluray player
HDMI cable : rainbow fish 2.0
swat03 發表於 2019-6-2 01:26
There are some picture which show 4K HDR and 4K SDR source based on JVC original default setting wit ...
This new version JVC has a great improvement on HDR tone mapping and It also do a great job on its original default setting.
Even , its original default is too too great. Further show some captured image with only Youtube source (1080P) and some more 4K HDR presenting its great performance with more dark scene involved.