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[電玩新聞] SONY與Microsoft聯手為未來雲端遊戲正式成為戰略合作夥伴









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發表於 2019-5-17 08:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 阿定 於 2019-5-17 12:32 編輯

SONY要同Microsoft聯手了,兩間公司為未來雲端遊戲同AI解決方案正式成為戰略合作夥伴,整個計劃雖然未有明確提及PlayStation同XBOX之間的合作, 但未來日子PlayStation會使用Microsoft的解決方案應該係鐵一般的事實了。

從下面新聞稿得知,兩家公司主要係透過使用Microsoft Azure環境共同開發雲各自的遊戲同串流技術,從字眼上,遊戲,音樂,影視娛樂都會係合作關系。同時Azure AI會為SONY產品提供更高層次的用家使用體驗。

小編認為Microsoft近年透過Office 365改變自閉的方針,加強Apple及Andriod用家的使用體驗後,發現賺到的錢比以往更加多,而雲端平台容許用家使用Linux系統同其他開源程式後亦賺錢比以往多,今次連遊戲同媒體市場都提供相關技術同平台比其他競爭對手,可以話係絕妙的賺錢方法,放棄獨霸市場,改為讓對手使用自己的服務,睇落係Microsoft的整個企業的大方向了,否則對手走去Google或Amazon的雲端技術同平台時,就什麼都沒有了。

TOKYO and REDMOND, Wash. — May 16, 2019 — Sony Corporation (Sony) and Microsoft Corp. (Microsoft) announced on Thursday that the two companies will partner on new innovations to enhance customer experiences in their direct-to-consumer entertainment platforms and AI solutions.

Under the memorandum of understanding signed by the parties, the two companies will explore joint development of future cloud solutions in Microsoft Azure to support their respective game and content-streaming services. In addition, the two companies will explore the use of current Microsoft Azure datacenter-based solutions for Sony’s game and content-streaming services. By working together, the companies aim to deliver more enhanced entertainment experiences for their worldwide customers. These efforts will also include building better development platforms for the content creator community.

As part of the memorandum of understanding, Sony and Microsoft will also explore collaboration in the areas of semiconductors and AI. For semiconductors, this includes potential joint development of new intelligent image sensor solutions. By integrating Sony’s cutting-edge image sensors with Microsoft’s Azure AI technology in a hybrid manner across cloud and edge, as well as solutions that leverage Sony’s semiconductors and Microsoft cloud technology, the companies aim to provide enhanced capabilities for enterprise customers. In terms of AI, the parties will explore incorporation of Microsoft’s advanced AI platform and tools in Sony consumer products, to provide highly intuitive and user-friendly AI experiences.

“Sony is a creative entertainment company with a solid foundation of technology. We collaborate closely with a multitude of content creators that capture the imagination of people around the world, and through our cutting-edge technology, we provide the tools to bring their dreams and vision to reality,” said Kenichiro Yoshida, president and CEO of Sony. “PlayStation® itself came about through the integration of creativity and technology. Our mission is to seamlessly evolve this platform as one that continues to deliver the best and most immersive entertainment experiences, together with a cloud environment that ensures the best possible experience, anytime, anywhere. For many years, Microsoft has been a key business partner for us, though of course the two companies have also been competing in some areas. I believe that our joint development of future cloud solutions will contribute greatly to the advancement of interactive content. Additionally, I hope that in the areas of semiconductors and AI, leveraging each company’s cutting-edge technology in a mutually complementary way will lead to the creation of new value for society.”

“Sony has always been a leader in both entertainment and technology, and the collaboration we announced today builds on this history of innovation,” said Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. “Our partnership brings the power of Azure and Azure AI to Sony to deliver new gaming and entertainment experiences for customers.”

Going forward, the two companies will share additional information when available.








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