本定於明年夏天上畫的《蜘蛛俠 4》( Spider-Man 4)發生大地震。一直傳與電影公司於劇本上意見分歧的導演森雷美( Sam Raimi),昨日突然宣佈劈炮辭任該片導演,男主角杜比麥奎爾( Tobey Maguire)也隨即被飛。電影公司決定另覓班底,電影映期將推遲一年,劇情集中講述蜘蛛俠的高中生活。
《蜘蛛俠 4》的劇本問題,過去多個月纏繞導演及電影公司。早前有報道指森雷美希望電影着眼於劇情部份,除了奸角 Sandman,又想加入大反派 Vulture。可惜電影公司高層不太認同,更欲加入女奸角 Black Cat,讓蜘蛛俠周旋於她與初戀情人 Mary Jane之間,主力攻感情線,電影公司更屬意由安妮夏菲維( Anne Hathaway)擔演 Black Cat,令森雷美反感。
因為劇本問題與高層拉鋸,電影開拍進度停滯不前,過往一直執導 3集《蜘蛛俠》電影的森雷美終決定離開。他昨日發表聲明公告決定,還依依不捨地說:「拍攝《蜘蛛俠》是我一生人的重要歷程。當我們祈望為第 4集努力的同時,電影公司與 Marvel將會帶領電影進入新里程,我相信他們會非常成功。」
EXCLUSIVE: 'Spider-Man 4' Officially Has No Start Date As Of Today Because Of Script Problems; Sony "Unlikely" To Make Scheduled May 5, 2011, Release Date
Hey there--
We were just notified that our schedule is pushing. We will NOT be starting as planned. I’m terribly sorry for this news, and I hope this email reaches you in time to find other options. We do not know how long we are pushing, and we will not know until mid-January. By mid-January, we will be told how long the push is, whether it be 2 weeks, 2 months, or something else. The studio has every intention of making the movie, but we no longer have a confirmed start date.
Again, I’m terribly sorry, but Sam Raimi has story issues [that] need to be resolved before we are ready to shoot.