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Media Player: DViCo TViX M-6600N M-6600A 最新固件1.9.4b4 (31-12-2009)









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本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2010-1-7 18:38 編輯

DViCo TViX M-6600N M-6600A高清播放机最新固件1.9.4b4新的固件支持下面的高清播放机TViX HD M- 6600A / TViX HD M- 6600N.
TViX PVR M- 6620N / TViX PVR M- 6640N.

播放机的设置界面默认只显示正式版固件,如果您对新出的测试版固件也有兴趣的话,在设置界面按2-3-8-2 (‘b’-‘e’-‘t’-‘a’)然后按FUNC键。

相关下载:如果连接网络,请升级Netshare 2.12
    [ 下载Netshare 2.12 ]

版本说明:1.9.4 B3相对于1.9.1 B5的升级
    [ 媒体播放/ 系统]WWW.TVXHD.COM
1. Supports cover-art user-interface
- To enable cover-art mode, press SETUP -> “System” -> “File List Type” -> “Cover Art”
- To select device in the cover-art mode, press “GOTO” button on remote.
- You should create “VIDEO” (or “Movie”) or “AUDIO” folder on the root folder to enable cover-art mode properly.
[Making Cover-art Folders]
- Cover-art mode will use each folder’s “folder.jpg” file to display the cover-art.
- Movie folder for Cover-art : The name of the folder should be “MOVIE”, “movie”, “Movie”, “VIDEO”, “video” or “Video”.
- Movie cover-art will output on 3 rows and 8 columns, and best fit JPG size is 138x186
- Music folder for Cover-art: The name of the folder should be “MUSIC”, “music”, “Music”, “AUDIO”, “audio” or “Audio”.
- Music cover-art will output on 3 rows and 6 columns, and best fit JPG size is 186x186
- Photo folder for Cover-art: The name of the folder should be “PHOTO”, “photo” or “Photo”.
- Photo cover-art will output on 3 rows and 6 columns, and best fit JPG size is 186x186.
- We encourage you to use the “TVIXIE” for creation of cover-art and synopsis. And here’s the link for TVIXIE usage.
- ftp://ftp.dvico.com/Manual/TViX/etc/TViXiE/TViXiE_English.pdf

2. Enhances Universal Jukebox playback

- Fixes VC-1/H264 mosaic problem when FF/ REW.
- Improves compatibility problem after editing some navigation features.
- Improves remote reaction while FF/REW.

3. Supports external TTF font loading for subtitle

- Select .TTF extension font file, then the subtitle will output with that font
- To go back to default font, select .TTF font again and select “default”. If you erase the loaded external font, the default font always comes up.
- Setup and menu font will not be changed. Only subtitle font will be changed.

4. Supports file browsing while playback music.

- Press “GOTO” button to browse files, and then select the other file.
- Press “GOTO” button again to go back to normal playback mode.

5. Improves file/folder management feature a lot

- You can enter file/folder management mode by “FUNC” button at file browser.
- You can select files/ folders by pressing “OK” button and check box will appear.
- If you press “RIGHT” arrow button on remote, menu bar will come-up, then you can copy/ cut/ paste/ rename/ make new folder.
- Supports copying the folder including sub-directories
- Do not support deletion of the folder including sub-directories for safety.

6. Adds “device selection pop-up” window

- Press left arrow button or “GOTO” button to pop-up this window.

7. Fix the video resetting problem on some TVs or HDMI switchers

- Some TV or switcher send wrong EDID HDMI information, then TVIX will be reset to 480p mode before. This problem is fixed.

8. Adds adjustment of screen saver timer by 1 minute basis

9. Adds slide-show transition timing window at SETUP

10. Adds adjustment of SKIP duration time

- If you press UP/DOWN button when playback, default “15 sec” OSD will pop-up, while that OSD poping-up, you can adjust SKIP duration by LEFT/RIGHT button.
- This value will be retained after reboot.
- This value will be also applied on time-shifting.

11. Improves info window of image display

12. Fixes MKV chapter instability problem.

13. Fixes minor bugs and improves overall speed and reliabilities.


1. Adds IceEPG for Australia
- You can use IceEPG configuration window if you select “Australia” as DTV country.
- You can still use native EPG from DTV by selecting “Normal EPG” at IceEPG configuration window.
- “IceLink Interactive” function is not available yet, we’ll support it shortly.

2.  Adds recording-time padding function.

- You can pad more recording time with designated on the setup.
- If you select “300 seconds”, the 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after duration will be added on designated schedule-to-record

3.  Adds DTV time-sync function by channel

- You can enable this function by SETUP -> HDTV -> DATE/TIME -> via TV
- Please select one of the DTV channel to set the time/date automatically.

4.  Fixes channel switching problem/ recording problem of French HDTV stations.

5.  Fixes channel switching problem of New Zealand.

6.  Fixes wrong file name creation problem when schedule-to-record

[ Network/ UPnP]

1.  Enables You-tube again

2.  Improves the 11n speed and performance.

[ Known Issues ]

- Dual recording will stop on ATSC if recording time is more than 2 hours each. (DVB-T is O.K.)
- The weather IMS is disabled since Yahoo blocked out the weather information for embedded device except PC.
- The PPS, ThunderVOD, GouGou (IMS) in China is not supported yet properly
- If you have problem to get the I.P. address of wireless AP, please use WEP 64bit mode or WPA mode.

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