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[CD機] MQA update for dCS Rossini now available









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發表於 2017-12-13 23:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Rossini Control Board: 1.10
Network Firmware: 368
dCS iOS app: 1.4.8

A few things to note here:

This release contains a number of improvements in the Roon endpoint code which will make playback much more stable than what you’ve experienced in prior releases.

MQA playback (full unfold) is supported via the Network interface using either Roon, UPnP, native Tidal, or a direct-attached USB hard drive. MQA rendering is supported by the USB1 (type B), AES, and S/PDIF inputs (meaning the first unfold needs to be done elsewhere if you’re using anything but the network input or playing files from a locally-attached USB memory stick or hard drive).

You’ll notice a new filter selection (M1) which is the MQA filter and it should be selected automatically when MQA data is played. If this filter is not automatically selected then you can either do a factory reset of the Rossini (via the unit’s menu) or select the filter manually. Once the M1 filter is associated with an MQA stream on a given input it should be automatically selected in the future.

Updated versions of the Rossini Player and DAC manuals are available on the dCS website: https://www.dcsltd.co.uk/product-support/documents/8

There is (will be) an update to the dCS app to version 1.4.8. When I last checked a couple of minutes ago I wasn’t seeing it on the app store yet, but it will land very soon. The dCS app has a number of improvements related to UPnP and native Tidal as well as controls for new functions.
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