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Media Player: Xtreamer firmware ver 2.11 (December 17 , 2009)









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Xtreamer > Firmware > Ver 2.11

http://www.xtreamer.net/download ... ware/ver-2-1-1.aspx

New features:

1. “Favorite” in Home menu.

- Needs Restore Defaults in setup menu.

- Add your favorite contents from HDD (Internal/External) to “Favorite”

- By pressing “Func(8)” key from Remote Control select “Add to Favorite”

- To remove from Favorite press “Func(8)” key and select “Delete from Favorite” from Favorite menu.

- Folders and files are displayed from “All” menu only, “Music/Photo/Video” menu only shows respective files not folders

2. Network shares (samba/NFS) auto scan.

- Accessible from “Media Library->Network Shares” menu.

- NFS Shortcut replaced by Network Shares

- NFS Client option also remover from Xtreamer Web UI “Setup” menu

- To reload list of share folders press “1” key

3. eTrayz auto search and mount.

- eTrayz can be auto searched and mounted from media library.

- Only one eTrayz device supported for auto mount now.

4. Estonian language support.

- Estonian language support for OSD and subtitle.

5. Not pirated DVD with CSS support.

6. User’s font(ttf) support for subtitles only

- Subtitle font can be change from Setup->Playback->User Subtitle Font

- Font file should be in internal HDD(first partition) or USB HDD(first partition) in “user_font” folder.

7. Subtitles on/off option

- Subtitle can be turn on/off from “Setup->Playback->Subtitle Default”

- Factory default in “subtitle on”

8. Subtitles border thickness can be changed

- During movie playback, press subtitles button from remote control and select thickness

- Thickness option is next to size option.

9. USB DVD AutoRun

- From “Setup->Playback->DVD AutoRun” on/off option can be selected

10. Unzip and Archive option from Xtreamer web UI

- From Xtreamer web UI .zip, .tar, .tar.bz2 type files can be unzipped

- Just click unzip icon located next to file name, select target dir and press “unzip” button

- So user can upload more than 10 files at a time as a zip file

- Select “File Manager->Archive” option and choose folder to make archive(tar)

- Folder can be downloaded at a time instead of downloading files one by one

11. Workgroup option

- User can change their workgroup from Xtreamer Web UI “Setup->Workgroup/Hostname”

- Under this workgroup they will find their Xtreamer samba share

- Samba share name change from samba 3.0.23c to xtreamer’s hostname..

12. HDMI chroma Sub-sampling set

- Can be selected from “Setup->A/V->HDMI chroma Sub-sampling set”

- “Auto” option will auto select one of YCbCr422 and YCbCr 444.

- “On” means YCbCr 422 (if supported).

- If Xtreamer connect to DVI, output is RGB444


13. Photo preview UI improved

14. Movie preview UI improved.

15. Change UI string.
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