Mr. O'Yang seems to be stuck on the definition of a "real SACD". If, according to him, a SACD is only "real" when it's recorded in DSD (SACD's native encoding system), then every SACD released by the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Carpenters, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Queen, John Lennon, etc. are fake. Even the RCA Living Stereo, Mercury Living Presence, and Jazz At The Pawn Shop SACDs are fake since they were never recorded in DSD.
As the producer of those Beyond recordings, there no "safety" back-ups?
I don't know about the sound quality of the upcoming Cinepoly Beyond SACDs. I don't think Mr. O'Yang knows either.
節錄: 2000年﹐寶麗金已經成為環球唱片的一員達兩年了﹐他們推出另一系列的精選﹐環球聲稱把舊錄音採用dCS 954機經24 Bit Format 特別處理﹐使到動態更驚人﹐訊嗓比大為提升﹐加上128倍超頻取樣﹐實現了最精密細緻的音頻訊號CD錄音﹐另外每卷印模均嚴格限量印製2000張CD即作報銷﹐以確保完美音色。雖然一大堆有關音色的宣傳語句﹐可是筆者卻有所保留﹐因為1996年寶麗金的總部嘉利大廈發生大火﹐適藉推出88極品音色系列而把大量母帶取出處理﹐可惜也在這一浩劫中﹐令到他們損失了不少母帶﹐所以這些超讚音色CD﹐應該未能全部取自母帶﹐故也可能只是味精之製作﹐並不算原音。