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Dune HD Solo 4K 最新Version "170504_1319_r11" (BETA version)









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http://files3.dune-hd.com/firmwa ... 170504_1319_r11.dff
Changes since 170307_0155_r11:
- New feature: Added support for automatic searching and installation of
  Community Extensions -- applications (plugins) developed by the users
  community and extending the functionality of the player with new
  functions. The set of installed and available extensions can be managed
  via the new menu "Setup / Applications / Extensions" (besides, the
  installed extensions can also be deleted like any other plugins via the
  system menu "Setup / Misc / Plugins").

- New feature: Added support for gapless audio playback: when playing a
  sequence of audio files, the audio files are played in a gapless/seamless
  mode (without pauses between files). Supported for the following audio
  file formats: FLAC, ALAC, SACD, OGG, APE, WAV; partially supported for
  MPEG audio (such as MP3).

- New feature: Duo 4K: Added support for showing text in all languages
  (including all EU languages, Chinese, etc) on Duo4K OLED front panel

- Improvement: Added support for playback of specific Live HLS streams
  which could not be played before; this in particular fixes the problem
  with some YouTube Live streams.

- Improvement: Better support for DVB subtitles in specific MPEG-TS files;
  fixes the problem with late hiding of subtitles in certain specific

- Improvement: GUI dialogs listing audio tracks and subtitles improved in
  order to fit more information into the screen (to reduce chances that a
  long track caption is cut).

- Improvement: Better indication of the position of the current playlist
  item (like 1/6) in the INFO OSD: use the current chapter index and the
  number of chapters when the current playlist item is a chapter, and use
  the current file index and the number of files when the current playlist
  item is a file.

- Improvement: When indexing My Collection, downloaded graphics is resized
  in a slightly more optimized way now (for optimized performance).

- Improvement: Better order of icons for new features (Movies, Music, My
  Collection, Recent) in non-default skins and menu styles.

- Improvement: Kartina.TV application updated according to the latest
  changes on the Kartina.TV server and to include some other improvements
  and fixes.

- Bugfix: FullBD: Specific BD images (with wrong BD structure with some
  components missing) could not be played.

- Bugfix: When playing specific MKV files (with wrong PTS timestamps) with
  AC3 or DTS audio tracks, problems with audio track playback could take
  place in some specific cases.

- Bugfix: When playing an audio file, a small first fragment of the audio
  file could not be heard in some cases (because of HDMI audio parameters

- Bugfix: When playing WavPack audio files, seek did not work properly in
  some cases.

- Bugfix: When playing HSL streams and using pause/resume functions, the
  GUI could stop responding to user commands in some rare cases.

- Bugfix: Playback of HLS streams could fail to start in some cases on
  Internet connections with very big latency.

- Bugfix: When playing specific MPEG-DASH HEVC streams, playback crash
  could occur in some rare cases.

- Bugfix: Some specific HDMI equipment may not work properly in some cases.

- Bugfix: PNG icons in non-RGB format (e.g. 8-bit PNG icons) were not
  loaded properly.

- Bugfix: When viewing photos and very quickly navigating from one photo to
  another, a broken picture could be shown on the screen in some rare

- Bugfix: In some specific rare cases, when booting the player after
  power-off, GUI may appear with some small extra delay (and an error could
  be shown on the front panel display of Duo 4K).

- Bugfix: When starting EXT2/EXT3 filesystem check function with background
  playback running, background playback was not stopped.

- Plugins SDK improvements:
   - Added more possibilities for plugins to extend the functionality of
     the Movies catalog (used in My Collection and Movies applications).
     Such plugins can integrate movie trailers and video files from
     external sources.

- Updated/improved UI translations.

- Some other minor improvements/fixes.
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