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[音響配件] 挪威 Hegel HD10 DAC (轉載)









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發表於 2009-12-4 20:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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轉載自 - http://www.my-hiend.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=1988

來自挪威的Hegel發表了新的 DAC,HD10,約在 USD $1,200 左右,數位部份除了 2 組同軸、1組光纖輸入外,其最特別的就是有 1 組可支援到 24 bit/192kHz,類比則有 1 組 RCA,1 組全平衡輸出。


HD10 High-End Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC)

Digital inputs: 2*coaxial, 1*optical and 1*USB soundcard
Line outputs: 1 pair of XLR balanced, 1 pair of RCA unbalanced
Frequency response: 0 Hz to 50 KHz
Phase response: Linear Phase Analogue filter
Noise floor: Minus 140 dB
Distortion: Less than 0,001 %
Power supply: Built-in torodial transformer, 30.000 uF capacitors
Dimensions/weight: 6cm * 21cm * 26 cm (H*W*D), 2,8 Kg

Hegel USB Technology
The USB connector found on Hegel amplifiers and digital to analogue converters opens a whole new world for music and movie lovers. This functionality allows you to easily connect your Hegel product to any computer with a reasonably new Windows or Mac Os operating system installed. The most common Linux systems will also work.

What is the Hegel USB input?
The Hegel USB technology is actually a computer sound card, or audio controller if you like. With the Hegel product connected, all sounds usually played through your computer will now be played through the Hegel.

What can it play?
The Hegel will, when connected take over all sounds. This means you can play music, video, computer games, internet radio or hear the occasional "DING" when you press and hold the Windows ANY-key for too long. Everything with superb Hegel sound

What is the benefit?
The major benefit is noise reduction. Inside a computer you have all kinds of noise generating equipment. And especially the very low-gain analogue signal is very exposed to noise inside a computer. So just moving the sound card out of the computer gives a real benefit.

So what is so special about the Hegel sound card?
Well, it is not like computer manufacturers have not tried to do their best for years. And many of our competitors have tried doing great separate sound cards too, these last couple of years. The special thing with Hegel is that we do real life experiments. For example we found that the DAC-chip it self only had limited importance. The implementation of it, however, had a major impact on the sound. Compared to any other external USB sound card you will find the Hegel more quiet, more dynamic and with less distortion.
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