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[高清播放器] 長城被困18天終於沖出來發布 爆米花 RC 7 Firmware









Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


76 榮譽忠義勲章76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2016-12-16 18:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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長城被困18天,我終於沖出來了,爆米花 Popcorn Hour 近期采用SIGMA新SDK,先後發布了12個Firmware,RC 7 Firmware [161214] 是比較成熟和穩定的了,各方面的性能都有所提升,特別是對中文字幕,特效字幕的支持,絕對比得上HTPC電腦了,

爆米花 Popcorn Hour A500 PRO  RC 7 Firmware [161214]
http://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=v ... 7&fromuid=39368

爆米花 Popcorn Hour A500 RC 7 Firmware [161214]
http://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=v ... 8&fromuid=39368

爆米花 Popcorn Hour VTEN RC 7 Firmware [161214]
http://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=v ... 0&fromuid=39368

Yamaha CX-A5200/Crown- CDi 4-300 *2/Crown CDi  1000/Crown CT4150
Pioneer UP-LX800
JBL LS80+LSC+29AV+25AV*6
Rythmik FV15HP








Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


76 榮譽忠義勲章76-FC 藍寶石勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2016-12-17 08:47 | 顯示全部樓層
very sorry! 我太大意了,有師兄問 RC 7 Firmware總共改了些什麽,

[A-500] RC 7 Firmware 01-05-161214-25-POP
Release Date: 15 Dec 2016

Firmware version: 01-05-161214-25-POP-432-802

Release Notes:
- Fixed some MKV encounter crash regression issue
- Added support for encoding auto detection on m3u and pls (ANSI, UTF16 and UTF16BE)
- Added support for encoding auto detection on lyrics (ANSI, UTF16 and UTF16BE)
- Fixed some VOBSUB entry show wrong color palette issue
- Fixed unable to show correct border color if text color is black color issue
- Fixed display wrong alpha value at some point during fading effect issue
- Fixed some SSA tag unable to apply if it appears after transform tag issue

RC 6 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=74004 )
- Added support for embedded font in MKV
- Added support for move tag in SSA/ASS
- Added support for SSA/ASS fading effect
- Fixed some ASS entry show wrong color regression
- Improved text subtitle collision handling
- Improved text rendering speed
- Fixed VOBSUB display wrong color palette regression
- Fixed some PGS entry stuck at display and unable to clear
- Fixed some DVD playback crash regression
- Improved handling on subtitle encoding auto detection (GB18030, BIG5, SJIS, EUC_KR, UTF8)
- Disabled gapless playback when channels are different
- Added support for cuesheet encoded in ANSI, UTF16 and UTF16BE playback
- Fixed crash happen when playback cue file with backslash appear in front of double apostrophe
- Fixed formatting problems for hard disk more than 2TB issue
- Fixed formatting HDD without NMT installed will not be able to auto set media destination issue
- Create 2GB swap partition if perform formatting using NMT Apps setup

RC 5 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73940 )
- Fixed TV or Receiver tv modes are not updated when TV is turned on after player on issue
- Fixed some MKV has more than 32 embedded subtitles unable to show all subtitle streams issue
- Fixed some 3D SUBIDX entries unable to display issue
- Fixed some VOBSUB entries dropped issue
- Fixed some PGS entry unable to display when it has same start time as previous clear entry regression
- Fixed some MKV which has no any audio default flag encounter no audio output when start playback issue
- Fixed some ASS/SSA text subtitle overlapping and unclear issues
- Fixed BDMV filename with dot unable to detect external SUBIDX issue
- Fixed some text show incorrect color when alpha or color tag do not have H character in between and clip tag exist at the same time issue
- Fixed some audio and subtitle language code not shows as full text issue
- Added support for auto detection on ASS/SSA encoding
- Added support for M2TS subtitle track selection according to subtitle language

RC 4 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73920 )
- Fixed certain SUBIDX and VOBSUB subtitles entry display time too long issue
- Fixed certain PGS some subtitles entry display time too long issue
- Fixed randomly encounter framework crash when playing BGM with photo slideshow issue
- Fixed audio stuttering issue during playback of BDMV/BDISO in downmix mode
- Added bookmark support for DVD
- Added external SUBIDX support for BDMV/BDISO
- Fixed choosing last audio track in MKV instead of first audio track when there is no any default flag issue
- Fixed certain MTS files show black screen when playback
- Fixed some FLAC unable to display embedded album art issue
- Improved HDMI handshake timing
- Fixed dizzy or flat effect on 3D subtitle display regression
- Fixed Music Home high resolution Album Art with rotate flag causing framework crash issue
- Mount NTFS with dirty-flag fix

RC 3 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73884 )
- Fixed some DVD show incorrect total number of subtitles issue
- Fixed some DVD Audio with video_ts will skip to next song in the middle of playback issue
- Fixed non-unicode SSA/ASS external subtitle follow UTF8 encoding issue
- Fixed always prompt user to login when list windows samba shares issue
- Added support for color name inside color tag in SRT and SMI
- Fixed syabas command server minor memory leaks issue
- Fixed SUBIDX and VOBSUB display wrong color palette issue
- Fixed PGS subtitle playback cause memory leaks issue
- Fixed 3D subtitles will show in wrong position when its x pos is less than 20px issue
- Fixed unable to display VOBSUB when playback with HEVC video codec issue

RC 2 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73870 )
- Fixed MKV MVC, 4K H.264 playback regression issues
- Changed GB2312 to GB18030, and improve text subtitle encoding handling
- Fixed some H264 MKV encounter wrong detection and unable to start playback issue
- Fixed some DVD Highlight Button unable to update automatically issue
- Fixed some DVD total duration not updated issue
- Fixed some DVD unable to execute internal button command automatically issue
- Fixed some DVD without root menu unable to start playback issue
- Fixed some DVD lost audio output when trigger next chapter issue
- Fixed SMB shortcut unable to take effect after reboot if Username and Password input with remote control issue

RC 1 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73852 )
- Fixed 4K H264 playback no video output issue
- Fixed certain MKV PGS unable to show subtitle issue
- Fixed some PGS subtitle entries display too fast issue
- Added bitrate changing info for BD, DVD and M2TS issue
- Added audio and subtitle language indicator for M2TS and bdlite
- Fixed some SRT has long subtitle entry showing extra empty lines after word wrapping handling issue
- Fixed MKV and MP4 encounter random crash when first start or stop playback issue
- Fixed some text based subtitle may cause framework crash issue
- Fixed 720p24 clip play in tvmode 720p60 instead of 1080p24 when external video scaler is on issue
- Fixed DVD without video_ts folder unable to start playback issue
- Fixed some DVD encounter video freeze when start playback issue
- Added support for DVD angle changing with Angle key
- Added support for DVD menu jumping with MENU key
- Fixed 3D BDISO unable to continue playback after iframe forward or backward issue
- Fixed UTF8 text subtitle display style at wrong segment position issue

Beta 5 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73832 )
- Fixed unable to access NMJ through file browser issue
- Fixed some DVD audio streams get wrong sample rate issue
- Fixed some DVD menu navigate to wrong sub menu issue
- Fixed DVD switch audio sometimes have no audio output issue
- Fixed some DVDLITE playback has no audio output issue
- Fixed some DVD still frame may encounter buffering issue
- Fixed DVD Audio unable to show highlight buttons issue
- Fixed some DVD Audio unable to start playback issue
- Fixed some DVD display wrong order of menu navigation when start playback issue
- Added language indicator on subtitle menu for DVD and MKV
- Fixed encounter framework reboot when playback corrupted DVD file issue
- Fixed filename with xml escaped symbol unable to start playback issue
- Fixed SACD ISO with unknown title or artist cause framework reboot when playback twice consequently issue
- Fixed certain MKV PGS with heavy animated effects cause buffering issue
- Fixed wrong chinese translation for subtitle track issue
- Fixed SRT with 'an9' tag causing framework reboot when adjust y position issue
- Added italic, bold, underline and color tag handling for SMI
- Fixed color tag unable to display properly for certain languages issue
- Fixed sometimes unable to retrieve weather information correctly in Setup Wizard issue
- Fixed MKV invoke closing PGS function in text base subtitle playback issue
- Force system to perform clean reboot instead of restart framework when framework crash
- Fixed WMA/WMA Pro no output in A-500U issue

Beta 4 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73821 )
- Added support on Full DVD Navigation
- Fixed MKV which has forced subtitle unable to start playback if forced subtitle only option is selected
- Fixed certain MKV with SRT subtitle playback cause framework reboot issue
- Integrated new Sigma Designs SDK with playback engine and HDMI driver update

Beta 3 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73722 )
- Fixed some DVDLITE has wrong sequence of audio streams issue
- Fixed some MKV PGS subtitle entries display too fast issue
- Fixed some MKV x264 playback has no video display issue
- Fixed some zlib compressed PGS subtitle stream unable to display properly issue
- Fixed APE version greater than 3.99 unable to start playback issue
- Fixed DVDLITE unable to go to the next chapter with info bar turn on issue
- Fixed showing exclamation mark and unable to display lite menu when select same DVDLITE title issue
- Fixed DVDLITE get video freeze forever after seek till end of the clip issue
- Fixed DVDLITE title menu subtitle selection issue
- Fixed some JPG crash in zoom transition issue

Beta 2 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73664 )
- Fixed MKV encounter crash when repeat playback issue
- Fixed unable to set device name without NMT app installed issue
- Fixed MKV audio menu show 'undetermined' for 'und' tag issue
- Fixed DVD show wrong elapsed time after seek and sometimes playback from beginning when perform 10% or 20% seek issue
- Fixed MKV encounter crash when manually turn on external text subtitle issue
- Fine tuned MMS prebuf and underrun buffer
- Fixed SMB share showing invalid login after removing username and password in edit share
- Adjust IR remote control responsiveness
- Enhanced handling for DVDLITE module

Beta 1 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73627 )
- Update to new kernel to support SSD formatting and MMC 5.0
- Optimized PGS subtitle rendering speed to support special PGS subtitle effect
- Fixed video with framerate 25fps output wrong tv mode when external video scaler turned on issue
- Added MMS Internet Radio support
- Fixed MP3 Internet Radio streaming issue
- Fixed for some APE playback cause framework crash and some APE with ID3 tag unable to start playback issue
- Fixed for APE with ID3 tag unable to get metadata info issue
- Fixed for some MKV VOBSUB unable to display subtitle issue
- Fixed for some SACD ISO unable to perform seek issue
- Added Genre and Channels info for get_current_aod_info API
- Added language indication for BD or DVD or MKV Audio menu switching
- Fixed for some DVD ISO encounter crash at starting of playback issue
- Fixed FLAC ID3 album art not displayed in Music Home issue
- Always show device name option at preference settings
- Fixed unable to save username or password when edit samba shared issue
- Added MKV audio default flag handling
Yamaha CX-A5200/Crown- CDi 4-300 *2/Crown CDi  1000/Crown CT4150
Pioneer UP-LX800
JBL LS80+LSC+29AV+25AV*6
Rythmik FV15HP
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