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[音響配件] SME M2-12R 唱臂 (轉載)









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發表於 2009-11-20 18:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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轉載自 - http://www.my-hiend.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=1946

SME 新的唱臂 M2-12R 訂價約日幣 367,500,12" (折合約為港幣 $32,050)的設計,擁有低循軌誤差,型狀為 "j",搭配 S2-R 可拆的鋁製唱頭蓋,並可調方位角 (Azimuth),兩段的鎢製平衡錘系統。

* The 12in construction with thin walled stainless steel tone-arm takes
   advantage of the reduction in maximum tracking error/distortion afforded by
   the greater arm length when compared with 9in models.
* S2-R Aluminum shell detachable and interchangeable without disturbing

   cartridge or wiring.
* Double draw-in pin bayonet fitting design ensures a rigid junction with the tone-arm.
* Unique headshell to tone-arm coupling readily allows cartridge azimuth adjustment.
* Internal constrained layer damps minute residual vibrations making tone-arm

   acoustically inert.
* Stainless steel cross shaft, ground and thread ground. Carried in a substantial

   yoke on 10mm precision ball races.
* Stainless steel vertical shaft, ground and thread ground, with integral 16mm

   diameter flange to couple shaft and yoke.
* 23mm diameter steel pillar, heat treated, ground and honed, carries two

   17mm precision ball races, widely spaced to resist tilt.
* Anti-skate control operates through Anti-Skate weight and filament, adjustable up

   to 5g VTF.
* Lowering/raising control gives smooth positive action. Height of lift can be adjusted.
* Thumbwheel (Vertical tracking angle VTA) height adjustment.
* Bedplate affords +/- 12.0mm movement to facilitate (Horizontal tracking angle HTA)

* Base slides on bedplate for horizontal tracking adjustment with double

   null-point protractor.
* Tungsten-alloy balance weight inserts allow maximum centre of gravity shift to

   balance a greater range of cartridges up to 38g in S2-R headshell and direct
   plug-in heads up to 46g.
* Precise vertical tracking force up to 5g applied in 0,5g increments via rider weight

   and graduated wayrod.
* Fluid damper FD-M2 is available as an optional extra.
* Alignment protractor designed to provide HTA settings with the greatest accuracy.
* Internal wiring in LCOFC.

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