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A-500 RC 1 Firmware 01-04-160614-25-POP [2016-06-14]









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[A-500 ] RC 1 Firmware 01-04-160614-25-POP
Release Date: 14 June 2016

Firmware version: 01-05-160614-25-POP-432-802

NMT Apps version: 01-01-160509-25-POP-432

NMT Apps Release Notes:
1. Updated to Transmission 2.92
2. Updated to NZBGet 16.4

Firmware Release Notes:
- Fixed setting display to 4K output causing no display upon reboot issue
- Fixed NMJ Wall and List view browsing error issue
- Fixed some FLAC causing static sound and skip during gapless playback transition issue

Firmware Beta 3 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73478 )
- Fixed Component output resolution issue
- Fixed SACD DST (Stereo) playback issue
- Fixed TVMode + Color key not functioning issue
- Disable HDMI CEC completely
- Fixed inconsistent TV mode before and after playback when framerate sync is on and TV mode is set to auto
- Fixed 3D text subtitle sometimes have 500ms - 1s delay issue when subtitle rendered back to back
- Fixed PGS with fading effect unable to display properly issue
- Added LAME Padding handling for MP3 seamless playback
- Fixed FLAC, WAV and MP3 seamless playback with short clips have small glitch issue
- Fixed now playing Lyrics panel rendering issues
- Added ID3 Year tag into get_current_aod_info API
- Changed now playing artist, album, genre and audio resolution label to icon display
- Significant improvement on NMJ Wall and Listing loading speed
- Fixed some vobsub rendering problem
- Fixed some ATMOS MKV file passthrough no sound issue
- Fixed TrueHD passthrough sometimes have no audio output after switching audio track issue
- Added audio sampling info
- Applied rsize=8192 for NFS mount
- Added DSD Gain option
- Added External Video Scaler option
- Added PCM S/PDIF option to allow HDMI output PCM up to 24 bit
- Fixed some MP4 encounter crash issue
- Fixed some H264 MP4 playback have no video display
- Fixed some FLAC have noise in gapless playback issue
- Fixed DSD gapless have minor pop sound before next song start playback issue
- Fixed BDMV unable to get subtitle entry when it placed at same level as BDMV folder
- Fixed some video clips show wrong fps info issue
- Fixed SSA/ASS has vertical top alignment overlapped timestamp causing crash issue
- Fixed position tag in SRT unable to show properly in full-scale OSD
- Fixed color tag in SRT unable to take effect
- Fixed SRT with SSA position tag (0,0) causing crash issue
- Fixed SSA/ASS position is not relative to video frame aspect ratio
- Fixed some video clips with no audio stream keep trigger rebuffering issue.
- Fixed SAMBA share cannot save credentials in shortcut / Home Add On
- Fixed MKV AAC multichannels playback have no audio output issue
- Fixed some HEVC MKV causing video freeze issue
- Added XAVC support
- Fixed LG 4K OLED TV doesn't switch back to 2D after stop the 3D playback issue

Note: This build is compiled with updated Sigma SDK. Let us know if you see regression on this build.
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