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[~ 原創影評 ~] 《時光逆愛90年》The Age of Adaline ~ Movie Review









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發表於 2016-6-9 22:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-6-13 18:34 編輯

It's de facto been a long time since I lost interest in love stories. When I was a school-boy, I was frenetically obsessed with this kind of movies, I'd even spent my entire secondary career watching them with my former inamoratas. Lamentably, I started to feel tired of them one day as I found them too formulaic, I cast them aside ever since. Until yesterday, it was my 20th birthday, my cousin gave me The Age of Adaline on bluray as a gift. And I eventually got time to watch it today.

Frankly, I'd never been a fan of Blake Lively before, but I did witness her stunning performance on Green Latern(she got thoroughly ruined by it) and The Town. Hence, I do fancy her to some extent.

So, how did I feel about the film? Did I like it? Inexplicably, it was far beyond my expectation! Before watching it, I assumed it would merely be a mediocre extravanganza featuring a seductive girl. However, I realized how reckless I was after watching the entire movie. As a matter of fact, it's a well directed love story! Despite the fact that I was fond of it, I need to admit that there are some flaws in the movie. However, I'd like to start with the things that impressed me first.

"Who wants to live forever?" is the lyrics of a song sung by Sarah Brightman and it's also the theme for the movie. Would please ask yourself and your spouse, see if you and she/he want to have an everlasting life. If the answer is "yes", it's highly likely that you guys will change your mind after watching the flick.
Personally, the story for the film is immensely emotional and full of humanity. Well, you might pretty much reckon that even an imbecile like Michael Bay could actually write a script like this. Then, why the heck did I pay tribute to it? Because the plot tells me in a direct way why possessing immortality could be tragic, but not in convoluted way like what most filmmakers did on the same genre of movies.

Adaline, the main character in the film, is ravishing and intellectual. But her life becomes very different after a car-crash. She stops aging. However, her eternity can drag herself into troubles. Adaline looks suspicious as people around her notice that she doesn't age, even the secret service attempt to apprehend her. That's why she has to keep moving and moving, she can tell nobody about her circumstance aside from her daughter. Even though she is in love with a man, she still has to refuse him due to understanding there's no future for them. Of course, the ending is pleasant as predicted, Adaline finally lives with her decent boyfriend happily ever after.But if you're optimistic, you might think she could at least afford an apartment in Hong Kong as she's already worked for almost nine decades!

What I even felt grateful about was, how flawless the casting was. Every cast member delivered good acting, none of them weighed the film down! I was so flattered that even Harrison Ford only has a small role, he's not oblivious. His character actually makes the last thirty-five minutes of the film even more appalling. On the other hand, I want to give credit to Rob Simonsen, the composer of the film, the music he scores is utterly effusive, nice work!

The movie looks immaculate, right? Why did I consider it imperfect? Because the narrator seems to be unsuitable for the film. Don't get me wrong, his voice ain't dreadful at all. In fact, Blake Lively should've taken the job. Not because her voice is gorgeous, it is because she's the key of the movie, the only way to make it more convincing is to let her present her story like a memoir, The narrator just made me feel like watching a BBC documentary, that's really absurd. Some parts of the film are truly excessive, they explain things we don't even need to know! For instance, the narrator tells us the name of the element that makes Adaline immortal. For God's sake! Do we really have to be aware of that? It ain't a sci-fi movie but a love story!

To sum up, The Age of Adaline is one of the best romantic films I've ever watched over the recent years. Well, I suppose I've just become a fan of Blake Lively, and I'm already prepared for watching her next thriller - The Shallows directed by Jaume Collet-Serra(The director of Unknown, Non-Stop and Run All Night)!

Rating: 80/100



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Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


76 榮譽貢獻勲章三星玩樂勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2016-6-9 22:43 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-6-10 16:46 編輯

A year ago, the wife of the curator for the movie page, accused me of being a "cynical teenager" and cast doubt on my occupation.  I think I better answer her now, it's been quite a while already, hasn't it? I'd taken the HKDSE twice, unfortunately, I'd screwed them up. Subsequently, I was worn out, I withdrew myself from people around me as I was so devastated. Soon after, I was diagnosed with anxiety by my psychiatrist. After having counsellings for a month, I was brave enough to dispel the stigma surrounding my mental illness, and I found a job at a grocery shop. After working there for six months, I realized it wasn't worth ruining my faculty like that, I planned to go back to England(I'm a citizen there, certainly not holding an BNO) for education in two months. In order to cater for my designated college's requirement(scoring not less than 6.5 at IELTS), I took the IELTS test. And my test result just got unveiled a few weeks ago, I considered it presentable but not formidable, but it is exactly the currency for going to that college in the UK. For the time being, I've been studying hard on other subjects for the A-Level. 13418649_1607485202913902_3643575406487523153_o.jpg


參與人數 6威望 +100 金錢 +100 收起 理由
堅持一夫一妻制 + 10 + 10
陳永仁 + 10 + 10
Logan + 10 + 10
legoholic + 10 + 10
jc2ssych + 10 + 10
day2013 + 50 + 50










Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12


76 榮譽慈善家勲章76 榮譽忠義勲章76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2016-6-13 16:52 | 顯示全部樓層

The disc is almost if not forgotten, buried deep down in my wardrobe...
Got to dig it out this weekend!  Thanks for sharing.


參與人數 1威望 +10 金錢 +10 收起 理由
Nolan + 10 + 10 Keep digging! Wish you luck!


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