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Media Player: Popcorn Hour [A-110] Firmware 01-17-091202-15-POP-403









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76 榮譽VIP勲章

發表於 2009-11-10 13:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2009-12-13 10:38 編輯


Release Date:30 October 2009   
Firmware Version:01-17-091022-15-POP-403-000   

Release Note:        
1. New NMT apps, 00-17-091014-15-POP-403
2. Internet Radio link added in Web Services
3. Screensaver support during playback pause
4. non-JPEG rotation
5. Japanese subtitle support option
6. Remove "Audio */*: ***" message at start of video playback (e.g. TS)
7. IDX/SUB support added
8. Image cache issue fix
9. workaround DirecTV UPnP crash issue
10. Fixed ISO with single subtitle track cannot display (QA#0528)
11. Turkish codepage bug fix
12. workaround MP3 volume soft after ISO/IFO playback (QA#0487)
13. TFixed copy small file from NTFS cause system crash
14. Fixed HDD icon on Media Source page occasionally disappearing
15. Fixed MP3 volume soft after DVD playback.
16. Added Dolby Digital disclaimer at [Maintenance] page.
17. Fixed Missing HDD/USB device entries from [Media Source] page.
18. Prevent multiple [Media Source] page refresh during startup process.
19. Fixed blank info in network share edit page, also missing remove Button.
20. Fixed blank page when browse network share from network share page
21. Fixed wording "Scan complete" appears at the top left corner after performing wifi scan.
22. Fixed VESA tv mode display either flickering or black screen.
23. Fixed Selecting AP "linksys28" will have the SSID wrongly changed to "linksys28P1"
24. Fixed UPnPAV server detection issue after changing new hostname or restarting server.
25. Fixed Playback of BD-ripped M2TS (eg. movie "Taken") causing system crash.
26. Fixed broken Kartina TV support.
27. Changed Japanese and Chinese (both simplified & traditional) translation of "Crop" under "Video Zoom" option in setup page.
28. Fixed volume automatically increased from "-15" to "-14" issue when playback the next item in a playlist.
29. Fixed refreshing server listing page shows corrupted page
30. Fixed vobsub crash when only idx file exist in the folder
31. Fixed vobsub load regardless of filename
32. Fixed vobsub positioning problem
33. Fixed twonkyserver photo slide show using low resolution
34. Added dynamic javascript loading
35. Known issue: multi-language vobsub not supported








Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12


76 榮譽VIP勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2009-12-13 10:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Release Date:10 December 2009
Firmware Version:1-17-091202-15-POP-403-000

Download: http://www.popcornhour.com/download/A110...-A110.html

Release Note:        
1. Requires NMT apps 00-17-091014-15-POP-403
2. Fixed: TP-Link wifi dongle not working
3. Fixed: upnp link with parameter cannot recognise file type problem
4. Fixed: remote render pause photo then next will freeze
5. Added: upnp support for m4a, m4v, mp4, mp2v

How to change the "skins" of your NMT UI:
1. Obtain _theme_.zip from release package or download from www.popcornhour.com/download/_theme_.zip
2. Unzip and modify existing graphics as you wish, but maintain the dimension and filename
3. Modify .config file in root of _theme_ folder to change the colors of the text, color attributes is same as in HTML, e.g. RRGGBB, #RRGGBB, "green", "white-alpha", "black"
4. Copy entire _theme_ folder to the NMT harddisk's Photo folder
5. Reboot (Power + Eject) and new theme will be loaded

Note: Screensaver images ssvr1.jpg ~ ssvr4.jpg must be less than 20Kbytes, due to current limitation.

NMT Apps Version : 00-17-091014-15-POP-403

Release Notes :

1. Minimum firmware version to use this NMT App is 00-17-090115-15-POP-40x-000
2. Myihomelite, change audio playback slideshow images
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