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[VTEN ]Firmware: 01-04-160427-25-POP-427-802 [09 May 2016]









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[VTEN ]Firmware: 01-04-160427-25-POP-427-802 [09 May 2016]
Release Date: 9 May 2016

Firmware version: 01-04-160427-25-POP-427-802
http://files.syabas.com/popcornh ... -25-POP-427-802.zip

Release Notes:
- Fixed SRT with alignment tag and overlapped timestamp causing crash issue
- Fixed DVDLITE menu wrong chapter indicator issue.
- Removed reflection or overlay effect from album art display
- Fixed access NMJ on read-only NFS show wrong message when NMT apps installed issue
- Removed slow animation effect on infobar and title menu display
- Fixed a small memory leak on video playback with text subtitles
- Fixed 3DFP MKV with stereomode tag 13 and 14 playback has no video display issue
- Fixed sometimes text subtitle missing or crash after trick mode issue
- Fixed SUBIDX with two or more languages or index encounter random crashing issue
- Fixed UPNP audio playback unable to get metadata info
- Fixed some corrupted SACD ISO crash in the middle of playback issue
- Fixed BDLITE menu chapter section have no indicator issue
- Fixed some HEVC MKV unable to start playback issue
- Fixed DSF multi-channels mixed up issues
- Fixed NFS unable to access NMJ when NMT apps are running issue
- Improved scrolling speed in File Browser
- Fixed CUE and M3U not working over SAMBA and NFS issue
- Fixed Track Artist and Album Artist scanning issue
- Fixed Composer tag did not pick up by scanner in FLAC issue
- Fixed the PLS causing crash issue
- Fixed some SACD ISO shows empty track title issue
- Enhanced the Now Playing song listing UI
- Increase the listing cache for File Browser
- Fixed EUC-KR encoding in Now Playing issue
- Added AIFF or AIF audio format support
- Fixed DSF or DFF show wrong duration info in NMJ
- Fixed some external SUBIDX may cause random crash issue
- Fixed playback crash with 3D external text base subtitle in 3D BDISO or BDMV upon fresh boot up after factory reset issue
- Applied bob de-interlacing on 1080i files when scale to 4K
- Further improvement on DSF and DFF NMJ scanning speed
- Added Composer and Duration info in scanning for DSF and DFF.
- Fixed some Youtube video playback issue
- Fixed MKV PGS subtitle random dropping or missing issue
- Fixed MKV MVC PGS subtitle display with wrong color palette issue (Avatar)
- Fixed M4A and WMA randomly causing crash issue
- Fixed DSF file larger than 2GB (stored in NTFS or EXT3 storage) unable to retrieve ID3 info issue
- Added audio info display box in screen saver when changing song
- Perfect YCbCr color
- Fixed force 8 bits color is not working in 3D mode issue
- Added Deep Color option (Default: Off). Turn off this will force 8-bit color for video playback
- Fixed SDHC SD Card mounting issue
- Improved DSF and DFF (DSD) files NMJ scanning speed
- Fixed UI drawing corrupted issue on certain condition
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