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DUNE solo 4k 有新的韌體









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Version "160414_0134_r11" (BETA version)

- Fixed: FullBD and DVD playback: PLAY/PAUSE did not work properly.

- Fixed: FullBD and DVD playback: when exiting playback, a crash could
  happen in some cases.

- Fixed: FullBD playback: DD+ audio tracks did not work properly.

- Fixed: FullBD playback: DTS HD HRA 7.1 audio tracks did not work.

- Fixed: BDLite playback: PREV/NEXT RC buttons did not work correctly.

- Fixed: BDLite playback: wrong chapter could be indicated in OSD in some
  cases after time seek or 0..9 actions.

- Fixed: MKV playback: in some rare cases, when subtitles were enabled,
  playback could crash.

- Fixed: Hangup/crash could randomly occur during playback in some rare

- Fixed: A small fragment of the previously played audio stream could be
  heard when playing the next file in the playlist in some cases.

- Fixed: Audio distortions on S/PDIF output could happen after transitions
  between different types of audio codecs (such as AAC -> PCM, TrueHD ->
  DTS HD).

- Fixed: When playing DVB channel with "Enable subtitles by defaults"
  setting, and there were no subtitle tracks matching the preferred
  subtitle language setting, no subtitle track was activated.

- Fixed: Wrong information about current file could be indicated in OSD in
  some cases (when playlist contained files both with and without

- Fixed: Youtube and some other PHP plugins could hang in specific use
  cases in some rare cases.

- Fixed: UI could crash when configuring Wi-Fi in some rare cases.

- Fixed: HDD format dialog did not show progress properly.

- Fixed: Reading/writing internal flash memory could fail in some rare

- Fixed: When exiting web browser / HTML app, a garbage could be
  temporarily should on the screen.

- Fixed: When scrolling through large list of icons in PHP plugins, UI
  distortions could happen in some cases.

- Improved the warning about incomplete media format support; not showing
  it any more for H.264 up to 4Kp30 content.

- Standby timer now works not only for TV playback.

- Default standby timer setting is now OFF.

- Updated some UI translations.

- Minor other improvements/fixes.
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