1. without a Disc on the tray, eject/Open後再close門, shall be 有碟先轉 a few second then stop --> "no disc"
2. with 碟, 會轉 for about 10 seconds, then TOC shows up normally. perhaps, 有可能個頭讀唔到, 所以just 轉 a few seconds then "no disc".
3. 另外雷射頭係靠反射接收讀取數據, the moving coil (of the head unit) 會 automatically calibrate the LEN ( to compensate the focus deviation due to 震動) for proper readings. it's unlikely 個頭could be 反射咩咗, as it's an integrated unit. don't forget u've just replaced with a brand new laser PICKUP unit.
4. hv u check the SLED switch ? spindle and reading couldn't be started if the SLED switch is out of order.
relocate the pickup unit far fm spindle (ctr of CD disc), power on, observe & check.
under normal condition, voltages shall be existed at sp+ and sp- terminals. variable voltages shall be measured along (disc) tracks readings.
如果個雷射頭新換完聽幾次跟住放係度for years without packaging (e.g. to avoid humidity & dust ), the LEN of may be contaminated. That's not a real "壞" (fatal error) but resulting "no disc" due to reading error (i.e. not a spindle problem).
clean the LEN for recovery, at ur wish.
by the way, heavy dust on the rail may also cause "no reading" at startup.