"Bi-wire" means using 2 (pairs of) cables (possibly be in one single overall wrapping護皮or sheath鞘), connected together at the amp (i.e. both “+” of the two cables to the “+”) but separate at the speaker (i.e. one “+” to tweeter/high “+”, the other “+” to woofer/low “+”). The speakers need to be bi-wirable, that is having 4 binding posts (terminals) on the back, 2 for bass, and 2 for treble. Jumpers are used in non-bi-wire applications.
“Shotgun” configuration (鳥槍式配置), sometimes called double barrel (雙管), is a model built by the Music Interface Technologies (MIT) Company founded by Bruce Brisson in 1984. Shotgun cable means two (pairs of) cables attached like the barrels of a shotgun, connected in the same way as one another - i.e. the “+” of both cable to the “+” on the amp, and the “+” of both cable to the “+” on the speaker. Shotgun cables could be regular or bi-wire.
"Shotgun bi-wire" means more than two (pairs of) cables (again, possibly be in one single wrapping護皮 or sheath鞘), but used in a bi-wire mode (i.e. all the “+” connections connected to the “+” of the amp, two “+” connections to woofer/low “+”, the third (and the 4th) “+” connection to “+” on the tweeter/high +).
Note that:
One pair (stereo pair) of cable means one “+” plus one “-” conductor.
Two pairs of (i.e. four) conductors joined at the amp end and separate at the speaker end, with both pairs of conductors in the same outer jacket, means bi-wire cables.
Two pairs of (i.e. four) conductors joined at the amp end and separate at the speaker end, with each pair in its own outer jacket (so the pairs can be physically separated one from the other), also means bi-wire cables, but just with separated jackets
按呢個定義,一條SFH-PX由於有四條蕊(conductor),technically已經可以係兩對喇叭線 (two pairs of cables),不過,如果認為SFH-PX每條蕊太幼,四條蕊cable當兩條蕊cable用,唔使拗,悉隨尊便。
Bi-wire is to have separate cable paths from high and low sections of a speaker to a single channel on the amp
Shotgun is to have two separate paths that are connected together at both amp and speaker ends.
This terminology is independent of whether the geometry is twisted pair or not - it is about the independent electrical paths and how they are connected at each end.
Shotgun = double run of wire into 1 connector at each end
Bi-wire = double run of wire, with 1 connector at one end (amp), 2 connectors at the other(speaker)
Bi-amp = two stereo pairs, i.e. two single runs of wire, each with 1 connector at each end.
??? don't unstand and confued now....any photos for clear explan and indicate ?
另外,如果 Power Amp 輸出响不變嘅情况下,Single / Double / Bi-amp / Bi-wire / Shortgun; which one will make speaker have ...
kleehkg 發表於 2009-11-4 16:55
You mean 'best performance'?
如果在假設conductor愈多愈好既大前題之下,即係數目愈多袛會好的唔會差的既話,理論上最好就會係Bi-amp-Shotgun-Bi-wire,即係4 (個Amp Connectors 出 output) X 2 (double run of wire) X 2 (Bi-wire):
4 X 2 X 2 = 16 條conductor,即係 Amp個邊4個connectors每個經4條conductors 去接一隻bi-wirable喇叭既4個terminals。用SFH-PX呢類4蕊cable就4條,用2蕊cable(或者將SFH-PX當2蕊cable使)就8條,黎handle一隻bi-wirable喇叭喎,陰公。