來帶一張EVA 生前唯一出過的LIVE 大碟
He [Chris Biondo] tells a story about the time in June 1996 when she [Eva] played at Borders books in Rockville, Maryland. "A lady came up and said, Can I have your home address? I want to write you a letter. And the letter said, 'My husband died and I have been depressed and after seeing you play I have begun to live my life again because I know that the world is a beautiful place.' How could you not be touched by that?"
I think that story is so powerful. And I believe there are letters written like that every day -- all over the world. Still. To Eva.
They may no longer be sent to her correct address, but they are being written, some are even being sent. Here's one I received not long ago.
It's from a fellow that refers to himself as an "old cowboy" (I have his permission to share this.):
"Hi Linda,
Here we go: I had two surgeries in a 12 month period and the second one really knocked me down hard(intestinal/colon surgeriey. I was recuperating for about 6 months and still wasnt well/healed..... it was a REALLY bad situation.
One day... when I was feeling particularly not well and depressed about my situation(the doctors had said I had about a 20% of dying) someone forwarded to me and I saw a video of Connie, the little girl from Britains Got Talent. She sang "OVER THE RAINBOW". It was AWESOME.....but off to the right I saw several other artists videos for the same song and I scrolled down and I saw Evas. I clicked it on to Eva Cassidys songs but then for some reason I clicked on "Fields of Gold" first.
I read a lil of the "history/story/ and then I watched Eva sing "Over the Rainbow"...
I was reduced to tears, and I dont mean those lil crocodile tears either....I mean rivers of gut wrenching, souls seaching I cant believe this is happening tears. I had been literally sick and depressed and completely bedridden for months... but Eva Cassidy's singing and story so inspired me that the next day I got up at 6 am and about walked two miles, came back home and had a full workout, and actually picked up my guitar, which I had not touched in a year because of the illness and started playing music again...... and I have been playing music and recuperating nicely every since.
It was the single most inspirational moment of my life.
It may have actually saved my life, you just never know, but it probably did.
I hope this was'nt too long but you asked if I would share and I did."