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[VTEN & VTEN-U] RC 1 Firmware 01-04-151104-25-POP[20151105]









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[VTEN & VTEN-U] RC 1 Firmware 01-04-151104-25-POP
Release date: 5 Nov 2015

Firmware version: 01-04-151104-25-POP-427-802

Firmware version: 01-04-151104-25-POP-429-802

Release Notes:
- fixed playback video sometime shows black screen randomly issue due to directfb lockup
- fixed turn off VOB or DVD subtitle during playback causing playback stuck issue

Beta 2 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=72879 )

- added smooth scaling which will improve the quality of NMJ thumbnail scaling
- added support of LATM AAC
- fixed player soft reboot after long hour playback of BD
- fixed playback video sometime shows black screen randomly issue
- fixed display dialog timeout too fast and render too transparent issue
- fixed AAC and M4A format playback without sound issue
- fixed corrupted JPEG causing player soft reboot issue
- fixed fixed large BMP file causing player reboot issue
- fixed audio icon beside the filename show in low resolution issue
- fixed for some WAV file unable to start playback issue
- fixed unable to wake-up from standby when TV Mode set to 4K issue

Beta 1 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=72859 )
- added HDMI Bitstream support for ATMOS
- added DSD256 and DSD512 support
- added new handling for screen capture for bookmark
- added Korean translation for video control module
- change screensaver to use fading effect
- change the prebuffer animated icons
- fixed UI picture tearing issue
- fixed for some bdmv, bdiso truehd audio track playback no sound
- fixed for some hevc video clip playback no video output
- fixed for some bdmv, bdiso unable to start playback
- fixed for obtaining corrupted line after enable dvd subtitle
- fixed for high resolution vobsub sometimes get corrupted image
- fixed for certain mp4 pause at beginning when seek to 0
- fixed for some bdmv, bdiso start playback from beginning when perform seek to certain chapters
- fixed for unable to resume from bookmark if trigger stop while TV showing zoom pane OSD
- fixed for soft reboot happens when start playback some avi
- fixed for etxernal subidx first few subtitles unable to show when start playback from beginning
- fixed for rebuffering will happen if switch audio in very fast interval, happen on mkv playback
- fixed for soft reboot if mkv switch audio in very fast interval while vobsub is on
- fixed for video freeze at certain frame when do iframe backward on some mkv
- fixed for certain clips Truehd have no audio and show MPEG1 audio codec after seek and re-playback video
- fixed for 3D clip playback in 2D mode unable to change the display option.

Note: This RC1 release is released with very quick critical firmware testing, fixes verification and very limited testing.
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