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[Game評] "我思故我在" : SOMA










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本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-10-27 13:42 編輯
"我思故我在" - 笛卡兒

最近數天在和朋在一起玩SOMA, 玩後想打少少感想. 抱歉這是一篇文字, 沒圖, 沒片, 也沒攻略. 想要這些請上youtube.
SOMA 主題是 horror-survival, 故事在wiki上如是說:

Soma takes place in an underwater research facility known as PATHOS-2. While the station itself is now in a state of disrepair, the player quickly establishes that PATHOS-2 was a group of stations scattered around the North Atlantic ocean originally functioning as a "space gun", or more precisely, a mass driver, an installation designed to send objects into space without the hassle of building expensive rockets. Unexpectedly, PATHOS-2 became a shelter and the last known human settlement to exist on Earth after a comet impact caused a major extinction event. There, the last humans survive on a day-to-day basis, attempting to fight the negative effects of their collective isolation. During this period, the machines in PATHOS-2 begin to develop human characteristics and a consciousness.

In May 2015, protagonist Simon Jarrett is involved in a fatal car crash in Toronto that kills his friend Ashley and leaves Simon with severe brain damage and cranial bleeding. Because of lingering effects from the accident, Simon agrees to an experimental brain scan in a run-down medical lab. During the scan, Simon appears to black out, and regains consciousness almost a century later in the Upsilon branch of PATHOS-2, a seemingly abandoned underwater research facility, with no knowledge of how he got there. Shortly after he wakes up, Simon begins to communicate with someone named Catherine, who instructs him to come to her location in Lambda station. While exploring PATHOS-2, Simon learns that he woke up in the year 2104. In 2103, a massive comet had devastated Earth's surface, leaving PATHOS-2 as the last outpost of humanity. Along the way to Lambda, Simon meets a robot that believes it is human, as well as numerous other robots that are hostile to him.
Arriving at Lambda, he realizes that "Catherine" is not human, but a "scan" of a human consciousness placed into a robot body. She reveals that "Simon" is also a scan of the original Simon, which has been placed into a robotic body, though she does not know who did it. Catherine explains that the facility has been taken over by an artificial intelligence known as the "Warden Unit" (WAU), and it has turned all the humans on PATHOS-2 into bio-mechanical monsters through the use of structure gel, believing that this is the best way to carry out its prime directive of preserving humanity and the station. She tells Simon about the ARK, a computer that runs a simulated world containing the scans of the station's staff, which was created to let humanity "survive" beyond the Earth. Despite being complete, the ARK was never launched into space. Simon agrees to help her recover the ARK and launch it into space.
As the ARK is located in a station deep beneath the abyssal Atlantic sea, Simon must construct a new body that can withstand the pressure before descending to retrieve it. After constructing the new body, Catherine moves Simon from his old body into the new one. As Simon awakes in the new suit, he hears another Simon talking in the previous suit he was in. Simon realizes that he wasn't actually moved, but copied into the new suit, as Catherine tells him that it is not possible to move scans of people. Simon can choose to either kill the "old" Simon, or let him survive.
Descending into the Abyss, Simon retrieves the ARK, taking it to Phi station. Simon learns that the original Catherine was accidentally killed by her colleagues when they had a disagreement over whether or not they should launch the ARK. Simon successfully loads the ARK into PATHOS-2's space gun, with Catherine promising to scan them into the ARK once it launches. Once the ARK launches, Simon is confused as to why they're still on PATHOS-2, with Catherine explaining yet again that she cannot transfer brain scans, only copy them. The player's Simon "got the wrong flip of the coin"; their copies are aboard the ARK while they must be left behind on the station. After a heated argument with Simon, who refuses to accept his fate, Catherine shuts down when her systems fail under the unconstrained pressure, leaving Simon alone on the station.
In a post-credits scene, the version of Simon copied to the ARK, completely unaware of the other version left behind on PATHOS-2, wakes up in an idyllic landscape. He takes a survey which asks if he would prefer to live an artificial existence in the ARK or accept death. No matter the player's choice, Simon is reunited with Catherine in front of a futuristic island city. Meanwhile, it is shown that the ARK successfully made it into space aboard a satellite as it leaves behind a devastated Earth.

這個game, 該怎樣說好呢? 事實沒什麼可怖之感. 因為只要怪身的接近會令你"失靈". 是的, 你會game over "You are dead" 的情況, 不過又如何? 就是可以由save point 上再load過 .
邵些怪物, 說是由人工合成獸的東, 當成是外太空生物也差不多 (是旦了, 反正都是果類野) 而外國的恐怖game又怎少得成地血, 免治豬肉等等之餘此類 就是這樣, 跟著另一台"人兄" 的電腦,  找這個找那個來"幫自己"之餘, 也幫其他"人" 逃出已不知什麼事而滅絕的地球.

場景而言不算很新的東西, 怪物...可以說是有, 又或者沒吧? 基本上初初玩會因為音樂而把你怕過半死. 關了聲音之下則是悶死. 因為是主角的你已是機械人, 不會有一個變態的怪物一手把你的心臟拔出來食的畫面. 如果要看這種畫面的話, 請玩Outlast. 結果也沒什麼的, 橋段老套而言是在開門又關門的同時把怪物引開, 分隔, 再進行你的解謎求生, 也同時得知那個故事是發生了什麼.
少少疑惑的地方, 是100年後的電腦可以支撐人類感情和模擬思維的連作. 有時我在想, 那樣子的事, 是電腦不停的在騙"自已"吧?

SOMA最好看/有趣的地方, 其實就是當中的故事, 也是它令我打出這編絕文字的game評. 存在主義的論證要點是"我思故我在", 當中的這點在game中被徹底地挑戰.

主角由2014年的多倫多做了brain scan 之後到了21XX年. 說真, 如果以物體而言, 我是很有理由信原主角還是在201X年的時空中生活得不錯.弄好了brain scan之後還是回家吃喝, 又或者因車禍所以命子不長也說不定. 然而在100年之後再醒的主角 (當然已是一台機械人) 到底是想把這個過去的資料copy又keep足100年到去未來, 再在一個機械人身上自我啟動? 過程真是好謎.
那個在100年之後的主角還是不是真的一個主角本身? 提示? 我信是有的, 那位同行的"電腦" 有好幾次也說過了 :

"那些只是有思想的機械人, 你要一片晶片, 就開槍取吧."
"電腦內的只是一個模擬, 你接鍵就可以抹掉了."
" 我不管你, 你想的話就把舊的你關掉吧"
"你剛才已救了全世界殘存的人性! 還不明白"

不少的事, 還有game中主角自己的對答把他原本的人性是塑造了出來 只是同行的電腦過以客觀的一樣把事分析得理所當然. 到反來主角也找到同行電腦的原主人 (意外被殺). 這事連"電腦都顯得出乎意料" , 顯然這位電腦人兄是在死前被做了brain scan, 再被裝入電腦工作.
到了ARK 射了出去, 主廷在原地對罵時, 同行電腦終於都當機失靈了. (事實我很同情"主角" , 如果他走回去弄醒之前的舊"主角", 或者還有戲?)

然而此題目過了一週之多的打機時間, 真的感到很累的同時, 更累的是對存在主義, 還有道德的問題思考. 這個game有數次要你決定生死的事. 然而事實生/死的結果出入不大. 故事還是留了路給你向前走.
"我思故我在" 如果思維被以數據的方式抄錄, 被生產, 那麼 "我" 的定義會是什麼? 最後的一幕中, 兩個"主角"的情況出現了, 一個在海底, 一個在大空. 即是兩者都有"我思"的行為時, 似乎哲學上從沒定義. 又者"活"在ARK 中的"人類程式" 又到底是不是人?   我們一直都只以"我" 為單一, 多者為副或者為次, 那麼現在一個又一個"我"在複制, 又是什麼呢?

這, 是一個沒有答案的問題, 也是一個很有趣的科幻假設, 或者如果未來真的可以把人的思維模擬化, 這又是一個新層面的哲學.

回到這個game. 我知不少大網都有給很高的分數, 不過如果真的要挑骨頭, 我還是有不少疑惑. 主角面對自己已是機械身軀的反是有的, 不同對其他的對比還是冷靜. 事關其他的一出情緒問題時就會當機, 只有主角一人沒有.

整個故事的體裁+故事, 我覺得可以是 8/10 , 新鮮哲學上的回思令我著迷
關卡設計 : 6/10  , 事實不怎什麼新意, 反而覺得老套.
場地畫面: 5/10, 都是很老套. 那科幻要塞, 就是bioshock的設定在22世紀, 加上mass effect / halo 的科技感覺.
怪秒造型 ...我唔識打分, 事闔我自殺式走去看過....還是不到半秒就死了.   根本我不知怪物的樣子
主角造型: 穿潛水衣的機械人感覺不錯. 過了很久才看到自己真正的樣子. (初時不少地方都有廁所, 但彼來沒了. 而廁所入面卻沒鏡子. )

大概地說, 是一個很老套的game配上一個很新的哲學主題.
如果要求免治豬肉橫飛請找OUTLAST, 要求復古找bioshock


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