WIKI DATA 說原本 MAC 是48/24 ONLY, 不過後來 EXTEND 到"support all modern formats", 不過是要出品公司 SUPPORT
Bitrate Originally 3.1 Mbit/s; now 125 Mbit/s....125MBitDXD 也夠了 (WIKI 說 DXD data rate is 8.4672 Mbit/s per channel )
just use foobar to embed the DSD (dsf or dff ) files in FLAC and send using DoP over Toslink/ is a workaround... whether it will stutter, it depends on how powerful your DAP is.... AK240 should be fine. Bear in mind, those files are not playable by the DAP only... you must connect to an external DAC/AMP that accepts DoP... pretty standard stuff
If you dont convert the DSD files using Foobar , the AK players can convert the DSD to PCM 24/176.2.. and send as PCM over toslink...
some people dont like the conversion done by AK, some people think it is fine and hear not much difference... You need to trust your ears and gear to listen if you could hear the differences.... and see if you need the DoP bitstreaming or can live with the DSD to PCM conversion by AK..
There is no magic formula or golden rule to sound quality as we use different earphones, cable, source files, DAC performance in PCM/DSD, ability to discern differences and our point of reference.....