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[CAS音響] Cary Audio DAC-200ts Preview









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發表於 2015-4-15 13:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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http://hometheaterreview.com/-ca ... o-analog-converter/

Cary Audio Introduces the DAC-200ts Digital-to-Analog Converter
By: HomeTheaterReview.com, April 4, 2015

Cary-DAC-200ts.jpgCary Audio has introduced the $3,995 DAC-200ts digital-to-analog converter, which uses a 128-bit DSP engine and can upsample incoming rates to 768 kHz. It offers separate solid-state and vacuum-tube output stages, and connection options include USB, Bluetooth, coaxial and Toslink digital, and AES/EBU. The DAC-200ts begins shipping this month.
From Cary Audio
Cary Audio has long been synonymous with the world's best sounding audio components. No matter vacuum tube or solid state, analog or digital, two-channel or multi-channel, Cary Audio has always represented the pinnacle of performance. The new DAC-200ts is no exception and represents our best digital product yet!
The DAC-200ts digital-to-analog converter is the pinnacle in digital AND analog circuit topology. Packed with features like TruBit upsampling, the DAC-200ts utilizes a 128-bit DSP engine that expands native bit depths to 32 bits and upsamples incoming rates to one of seven selectable sample rates, up to 768 kHz. Whether a signal is upsampled or left native, the signal is clocked several times with our OSO reclocking, then sent to four independent DACs for eight channels of processing. Why do we go to such lengths when our competitors use one or maybe two DACs? Because using multiple parallel DACs ensures that the process of converting a true balanced or single-ended digital signal will retain all the musicality stored within while transitioning it to a pure analog signal that sounds like analog.
Even more important than the digital topology is the analog circuit. Once we've ensured the best possible, most pure, conversion of the digital information to an analog signal, it is introduced to our analog circuit. Drawing on our years of experience in designing some of the world's best analog circuits, the analog section of the DAC-200ts is nothing short of amazing. Our Dual Independent Output (DiO) analog topology utilizes a separate solid state output stage and a separate vacuum tube output stage. Not to be confused with a hybrid design where a circuit always has the same sound characteristic, the separate independent analog output stages allow you to tailor the sound of the DAC-200ts to your source material with the simple touch of one button. As we know, source material varies greatly in terms of its recording quality. Having the ability to enhance the sound characteristics of the DAC-200ts to match your source material means maximum flexibility for maximum sonic benefit.
Not only is the DAC-200ts a reference level digital source unit; it can also be used as a digital preamplifier using its 3.0 volt variable volume output. What's more, a clock input allows for the use of an external master clock, or using the clock output allows the DAC-200ts to function as a master clock for other digital sources capable of a master clock input.

The DAC-200ts supports super high resolution Asynchronous USB computer audio. That means PCM up to 32-bit/384-kHz, as well as native DSD 64, 128, and 256 audio. Additionally, the DAC-200ts includes: CSR aptX lossless Bluetooth, SPDIF coaxial and Toslink inputs, AES/EBU input and both fully balanced XLR and RCA outputs. Large VFD display, full function remote control, and Ethernet and Wi-Fi for control systems are also included.

Weight: 28 lbs.
Dimensions: 3.75" H x 17.25" W x 16.25 " D
DAC-200ts Retail Price: $3,995

The DAC-200ts will begin shipping on April 9, 2015.
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