威廉sir, 小弟想請教一下。我用緊6500H + 一套傑士書架speakers. auto cal完後數據如下:
Front L -8.5
Center -12
Front R -9
Sur R -10
Sur L -10
Front dolby R -8.5
Front dolby L -9
Sub 1 -0.5
Sub 2 +3.5
center及front dolby加6;
sub 1 加至3.5 (sub 2就不變)
對的,Audyssey MultEQ XT32 帶存 Sub EQ HT ,它會將兩隻超低音單獨處理然後混合去放 LEF 信號,
Audyssey DOC 內文 :
[MultEQ XT32 with Sub EQ HT measures the dual subwoofers as follows: At the first microphone position,
the individual response of both subwoofers (Sub1 and Sub2) is measured as well as the combined
response of both subwoofers (Sub1 + Sub2). During measurement at the remaining microphone positions,
only the combined response of both subwoofers (Sub1 + Sub2) is measured. The combined response of
both subwoofers is used when creating the equalization filters.]