One reason why many of the 1+1 SACDs sound so good is the remastering. In your 2nd photo, you can see that this SACD was remastered by Woody at US Sony's New York studios. Woody, and the other engineers at the New York studios, were who Sony trusted to remaster music of Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, Mariah Carey, Miles Davis, etc. It's too bad the US Sony has closed its New York studios many years ago and Sony DADC (in Terre Haute, Indiana) no longer make SACDs.
Besides the the first 1+1 Danny Chan, Ah Lam, Sally SACDs, and the Sammi "Becoming Sammi" SACD, all the other HK Warner 1+1 were remastered by at US Sony's New York studios by Vic Anesini and made in US Sony DADC.
The 1+1 SACD of [審死官] by 梁醒波 鄭幗寶 關海山 was also remastered at the US Sony New York studios by Darcy Proper