Battlefield Hardline takes the long-running shooter series in a different direction, trading war for crime. But EA Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen said recently that the next game in the franchise will return to its more familiar military roots.
Battlefield 5 will be a "fun, new Battlefield," Jorgensen said at the 2014 UBS Global Technology Conference, via GameSpot. But it apparently won't be all that new: "That will be a return to a Battlefield military-style game; more to come on that," he said.
Executive Producer Patrick Bach told the New York Times last year that Battlefield 5 will have "More features. More extras. More destruction," but beyond that, EA has revealed virtually nothing about the game beyond its existence. Even the title is presumptive, of course, and would set Hardline outside the "core" Battlefield franchise. Whatever it's called, we won't lay eyes on it until sometime in 2016.
話說BF:Hardline 就快出, 未幾就公告BF6的方向. 即是BF:Hardline 只是中間的過場作???
真想EA出BF的Bad company 3....
Hardline唔太關DICE事,心水清的人都睇得出係EA為左攝真空期而搵Visceral Games去搞的。BF唔同COD,EA搵唔到兩三隊實力均等的工作室幫佢梅花間竹地開發。但踏入次世代遊戲界定必出現洗牌,以往EA就reboot過Medal of Honor兩次,兩次都慘敗收場,反而Battlefield在家用機的歷史及影響都不及MOH及COD,但第3集卻大賣過千萬,雖然仲未比得上COD,不過除咗BF之外,EA都好難搵第二隻突突突去頂。Hardline原本係參與今年年末商戰的作品之一,可惜最後延左期,但此舉大概都睇得出EA真心想搵BF系列做自家一隻生金蛋的雞。