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發表於 2014-8-17 00:06
本帖最後由 jacky622 於 2014-8-17 00:08 編輯
用google translate左個日本review
Combination test of popular headphones!
Mr. Iwai to do listen
So I think the combination of a variety of headphones and U-05 is from here, and want to deliver a review about the sound quality. Sennheiser "HD800" (open type), SHURE "SRH1540" and (sealed), Bayer dynamic is the largest high-impedance machine We provide special this time is a "T1". As we have also re-balance the drive cable for SRH1540 and HD800, and I went also compared with the single-ended connection, respectively. for U-05 still used in the audition was not in the final tuning model, please acknowledge beforehand that there is also a location that will be the impression that unlike the retail version. [size=+2]
Sennheiser HD800
The combination with Sennheiser HD800
First of all, let's try the state that put the lock range adjustment function. Low range is tightening more and Yuku narrow down the lock width up to the point of the last minute, the focus of the sound image is also determined sharp and clear.Representation of silence feeling growing, delicate tone of lingering seems to come looking better more. I tried individually also Up Sampling but, Up Sampling is possible to select two stages of HIGH and LOW, LOW is 352.8kHz 176.4kHz, if HIGH if the source of 44.1kHz. Outlook of the sound field becomes deeper in LOW, sound also rising well expires, change in clear sound. Sound away is better when it becomes HIGH, the melody of the wind instrument feels more refreshing. Gradation of the lingering increases, the smoothness of the texture also improved. It is sound high reality. And exhilarating good intonation tone is full of space When you enable alone Hi-bit 32, elegance increases melody of wind instrument also elegant. Dumping of low frequency is also expressed rich elasticity, it was an exquisite taste braking feeling. It is a sound trend can afford better growth. The scaling up to 384kHz put HIGH Up Sampling of the 192kHz / 24bit sound followed. I tried to listen in a state in which to enable the lock range adjustment, but the melody of strings fresh cool expands to the nines, carved me caught firmly deep delicate nuances also contours of the sound image. Harmony rich rich Yuku spread to space also intonation of low-end. It is a pristine sound without incidental crisp feeling is also good. Audio scaler to release, Let's proceed with listen in a state in which to enable the direct mode and lock the adjustment range is from here. The low-toned high braking, the sound image is drawn in sharp. I was able to mouth of vocal stands out to cool, to obtain at the same time also a wet texture and smoothness. Sense of attack is also a sharp vivid, but the density of the low-frequency feeling exists firmly in, the low-end to booming thickness in piano. Finely harmony of the orchestra also Tsubudachi, I can enjoy a fresh sense of nuance. Braking feeling between low frequency also increased to become a high-resolution sound source, the outlook for sound field day become deeply. Movement of the sound image also a supple localization is also clear. It is a good smooth sound feeling Tsubudachi become supple sound good elasticity sense when it comes to DSD sound source. Movement of the mouth has also been lifted to real smart also fleshy vocal.
Is the sound balance drive with cable re-CH800S Subsequently, the spatial seamless and height of the S / N is pulled out better. Mouth of vocal also becomes depiction organic supple, localization also a very natural. Sound is emitted impression fluffy sound away also wonderfully in DSD sound source, without the rise of the sound is also clogging. Dynamism is also high, elasticity sense of low frequency is also natural.Sound image a three-dimensional representation, the separation of each part also higher transparency of the space well. Speedy also extrusion of rhythm vivid cut also rock sound. It was possible that in addition to the sound sense of the thick wick down the center of gravity, to realize to fully sound high drive force stable and spatial representation expressive lose to high-end machine of U-05.

The combination with SHURE SRH1540
Popular models of high-end sealed headphone, second one is SRH1540. Texture depiction of good gloss over the high-frequency and the thickness of the low-frequency region's characteristic in a single-ended connection. Orchestral instrument to lift refreshing well needle, low-end sounds To stout. Focus localization of the sound image is sharp, good separation also Ukitachi of vocals and snare. Mouth of vocal good plump stands out in the wet well needle gloss. Distortion guitar rock is also drawn to the rich Kokimiyoku the crunch, such as cymbals and piano bright, compatible with the edge representation that was clearly of high frequency is good. Strings is Ukitachi on whether glitter Biya orchestra of high-resolution, low-end sound is also deeply, sound field Yuku filled with gorgeous harmonies. Sound dense and elegant ear per well, I combines them in a well-balanced also vividness of Tsubudachi due to the effect of harmonics.

The balance drive using re cable [saeku] the "SHC-B300FSH", the focus of the sound image is tightening delicate of nuances and expressions S / N is enhanced and, low frequency were to be drawn well elasticity further. Glossy texture representation has been utilized as it is, it becomes a smooth representation high sharpness. for spatial reproduction is enhanced, lingering reverb also finely drawn gradation, separation of the attack sound also is clear. It is possible to feel the height of the amount of information unique balance drive, but could be reminded also the height of the ability hidden in headphones.
Bayer dynamic T1

The combination with Bayer dynamic T1
In the headphones and the current 600Ω Bayer dynamic high impedance most third one is a "T1". It is a sound balance of the tightening between the thickness and the high-frequency depiction good crisp delicate is fused with high dimension exquisite low-frequency representation. Orchestra of high-resolution sound source to expand finely Tsubudachi and well loose, mellow and harmonic denseness of harmony leads to goodness ear per. Cool of the lingering elegant and cool. Depiction smart feel faintly the plump, glossy mouth's wet vocals. I tend to have the spotlight to sound humble about sense of depth and spread of the sound field. There is also the impression that are completely drive well, but I did not feel so much that they sense of stability and calm of the original T1. It is believed that this point to come been improved in the retail version, but those who were captured and to have fared considerably rather Given the price range of the U-05 might be good. It can be said to be a sound good balance of goods that can be USB-DAC of the upper price range for both par further.