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本帖最後由 Einstein 於 2009-9-6 18:24 編輯
Yamaha AV amp Parametric EQ
多謝近排好多師兄對EQ的無私分享, 又有pepsiman的圖文分享, 小弟又中毒, 馬上抓書試玩, 分享下唔好見笑, 多多指教:
Effects of Equalization on Vocals
For the best control over any audio signal, fully parametric EQ's are the best way to go.
80 to 125 , 160 to 250, 315 to 500
Sense of power in some outstanding bass singers.
Voice fundamentals
Important to voice quality
630 to 1K
Important for a natural sound. Too much boost in the
315 to 1K
range produces a honky, telephone-like quality.
1.25 to 4K , 5 to 8K
Accentuation of vocals
40Hz to 70Hz
These frequencies give music a sense of power. If over emphasized they can make things muddy and dull. Will also cloudy up some harmonic content.
80Hz to 125Hz
Too much in this area produces excessive 'boom'.
160Hz to 250Hz
This is the problem area of a lot of mixes. To much of this area can take away from the power of a mix but is still needed for warmth. 160Hz is a pet-peeve frequency of mine. Also, the fundamental of bass guitar and other bass instruments sit here.
300Hz to 500Hz
Fundamentals of string and percussion instruments.
400Hz to 1K
Fundamentals and harmonics of strings, keyboards and percussion. This is probably the most important area when trying to control or shape to a natural sound. The 'voice' of an instrument is in the mids.
To much in this area can make instruments sound horn-like.
800Hz to 4K
This is a good range to accentuate instruments or warm them up. Too much in this area can produce 'listening fatigue'. Boosts in the 1K to 2K range can make instruments sound tinny.
4K to 10K
Accentuation of percussion, cymbals, and snare drum.
Playing with 5K makes the overall sound more distant or transparent.
8K to 20K
This area is often what defines the quality of a recording or mix. This area can also help define depth and 'air' to mix. Too much can take away from the natural sense of a mix by becoming shrill and brittle.
EQ setting of AV amp is vey important
與之前及其它EQ setting 主要分別:
1. Auto Cal. EQ cut 左好多野
2. 用Manual set 把1kHz人聲提高 , 1kHz 是人聲, 推到+db真係有力, 人聲出, detail保留,
3. 我再在16kHz高音推高+3-4db 動感多左, 細節會有些提高,
4. 我又係60Hz左右加大+2.5-3db, 如有booming, 改返細db就好好多
4. 取"0db"為EQ 中心, Lee個最大分別, 因為無論+/- db都會令AV amp 增加失真, 而+db又比-db失真較多...即係
(0db) best > -db (better) > +db
所有以"0db"為EQ 中心, 有+db有-db會少d失真
5. 左右ch EQ也許有些不同
6. 好多Ching 鍾意 Center Speaker setting 加大1db, 而我就set 0db , 嚮#4 1kz 實則set +1.5db, 效果仲好...
Center Speaker, present speaker L/R --- #4 1kz 實則set +1.5db, 其它EQ數據巳在photo唔重覆la...
唔該記住"加分" |
黑膠唱盤: Pro-Ject 2Xperience
2ch amp: Luxman L-350AII Class A
9.1 AV system: LG 55, Pioneer BDP & SC-LX86, Velodyne SPL-800i, XPA-5, Energy Veritas V-6.3 x Mirage OS3