First of all..I'm not Samsung TV user, but all TVs has similar function and based on my experience..
數字降噪: 有 (關 / 低 / 中/ 高/ 自動)
- To make the picture "clean" and without noise. if the video processor is not good enought, it will have side effect and make the motion picture have some 殘影 (but not 窒格). You can try to turn it off to test again.
- To make the picture more colorful and normally will not have side effect. I suggested you also turn it off to test again.
DNle: (關/開)
- This is a uniqe fuction from Samsung. I believe this is a collective of picture enhancement including contract enhancer, black enhancer. If you want to watch the movie without 太多味精. you can turn it off.
100Hz 動態影像增強: (關 / 低 / 中/ 高/ 演示)
- again.. all depends on whether the video process is good enough. If not, if you trun 100Hz 動態影像增強 into high mode. it will have some side effect like "另畫面出現雜訊於移動物".
Pls note that 殘影&窒格 are two different things. I suggested you turn off all the above feature and normally will not have 殘影 again. Regarding 窒格, if it only occur under 24P source (ie. does not occur in DVD or 高清電視 or Blu-Ray in 1080/50Hz mode), than it is because you don't 習慣 watch 24Hz as it is a little bit 窒 but some people called it 電影感.
Hope the above comments/suggestion can help you. Let' discuss..