Remote Trigger Input
When connected to a preamplifier trigger output, the amplifier will switch out of Standby and be ready for use when the preamplifier is taken out of standby.
Ground Lift Switch
This allows for the signal ground to be isolated from the main chassis earth. This can assist in resolving unwanted ground loops or hum due to duplicate ground paths in some systems.
WBT and Neutrik Connectors
High quality WBT RCA and Neutrik XLR input connectors are fitted along with WBT output speaker terminals to ensure a low distortion interface between your cables and the amplifier.
Auric Wiring
Audience AV supply the Auric OFC wire used in the input stage of the amplifier. The Auric was chosen for its high workability and natural sound.
AudioQuest Wiring
AudioQuest X2 is used in the output stage of the amplifier as a high quality link to the speaker connectors.