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[私人收藏] Pinkcourtesyphone ~ A Ravishment of Mirror









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發表於 2014-4-21 13:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Pinkcourtesyphone ~ A Ravishment of Mirror

Los Angeles, a city of mirrors, twinkling lights, noir history, and deep secrets is the new home for Pinkcourtesyphone. This third full album explores Hollywood dreams and deception… meant to be slowly sipped. We all pretend but in Hollywood pretending is its dark sustenance… a plastic organic unity ready to enfold and repackage you.


Pinkcourtesyphone is dark but not arch, with a slight hint of humor.

Pinkcourtesyphone is amorphous, changing, and slipping in and out of consciousness.

Pinkcourtesyphone operates like a syrup-y dream.

Pinkcourtesyphone strives to be both elegant and detached.

Los Angeles, a city of mirrors, twinkling lights, noir history, and deep secrets is the new home for Pinkcourtesyphone. This third full album explores Hollywood dreams and deception… meant to be slowly sipped. We all pretend but in Hollywood pretending is its dark sustenance… a plastic organic unity ready to enfold and repackage you.

Pinkcourtesyphone remained dormant for a long time.

Pinkcourtesyphone is actually Richard Chartier (b.1971), some sound and installation artist, considered one of the key figures in the current of reductionist electronic sound art which has been termed both “microsound” and Neo-Modernist. Chartier’s minimalist digital work explores the inter-relationships between the spatial nature of sound, silence, focus, perception and the act of listening itself. Chartier’s sound works/installations have been presented in galleries and museums internationally and he has performed his work live across Europe, Japan, Australia, and North America at digital art/electronic music festivals and exhibits. In 2000 he formed the recording label LINE and has since curated its continuing documentation of compositional and installation work by international sound artists/composers exploring the aesthetics of contemporary and digital minimalism. He is considered by some to be quite fancy. He lives with his husband and two precious cats in the expansive city of Los Angeles and likes shopping on Ebay.


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