本帖最後由 小爾 於 2014-3-14 07:09 編輯
斯路 發表於 2014-3-13 21:29
要比都幾多野可以比較下,單係講方向都已經有幾個。例如單就ES9018去比的話,都好似有幾部;單就size以及 ...
唔好咁講呀斯路兄! 我都係學壇上其他師兄(好似師兄你咁)見到有興趣,而又因為近排想買返部Player玩下,見幾Affordable同幾有趣咁訂黎玩下, 我都想快D有得玩呢! 至於參考喇wor~就更加唔好咁講, 論壇上非常多的師兄都比小弟有經驗呢
有關Pono 其實今次帶來咁多Noise同討論都真係唔錯既,但始終比較多Uncertainties既情況之下我相信有唔少師兄都覺得可能暫時都會係言過其實,只係做大量Marketing空口講白話既感覺, 但其實睇返佢地個做法係幾Ambitious, 有唔少既野都係唸住可能會改變到以後我地點樣去看待DAP呢個市場既情況, 所以絕對值得留意佢地既動向既
當然小弟好明白,當手頭上咩野都未有既時候有個"數字"作為"Reference"可能係一個好好既出發點, 但如果無, 又係咪代表一定唔掂, 有又係咪一定代表有相應既保證呢?
關於呢次既Pono Project,小弟覺得Innerfidelity既Tyll寫既呢篇文比較有參考價值,可以提供到唔少unbiased既insights,各位師兄不妨參閱一下:
好喇! 然後幾分鐘前收到既Project Update,可能都解答到一部分既問題:
1. What headphones do you recommend? The audio experience is excellent with any decent headphones or earbuds from many of the well-respected brands. We've used products ranging from $80 up with top results. At our press demo yesterday, Ayre used Sennheiser Momentum headphones that retail for $300. We've also gotten amazing results using Audeze headphones, Etymotic in-ears, and many others. To those asking why we didn't bundle headphones, it's because many already own a pair and we wanted to offer the PonoPlayer at the best price possible. That said, we will be providing more recommendations and offering several models for sale when we launch our online store after the Kickstarter campaign.
2. Can I use the PonoPlayer with Linux? There will be desktop software for Mac and PC computers for managing and adding your content to the player like iTunes, but there are no plans for an app for Linux. You will likely be able to add songs to the MicroSD card, which will appear on your Linux computer as an external drive.
3. Can I change/increase my order? Yes, you can. Visit the project page and click “Manage Your Pledge.” Enter a new amount in the pledge amount box. Note that you are not adding to your existing pledge; the amount you enter will be the total amount collected. Also, increasing the amount of a pledge doesn't automatically change the reward you receive. If you would like a higher tier reward, you would need to select that reward when increasing the pledge. If you want to double-check that your pledge and reward selections are accurate, you can always refer to the Backer History: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/backings
4. Can you make special shipping arrangements (make as gift to avoid duty, avoid VAT taxes, etc.)? Unfortunately, no.
5. How do I cancel my order? If you must cancel, visit the project page and click “Manage Your Pledge.” At the bottom of the next page you’ll see the “Cancel Pledge” button.
6. Can you offer more players with Neil's autograph? Because the Artist Signature Series is limited edition, we cannot offer more of this specific category since it is sold out. But do check out all the other excellent artists in the series! More to come...
7. Will Pono support DSD playback? No plans on this first release. We are focused specifically on PCM at this time because it has broad acceptance, and when done properly, still offers the best sonic solution. While DSD is also a great format, it simply doesn’t have broad enough acceptance by consumers, studios, or labels.
8. Will there be a Pono Mac app to play the FLAC files I purchase on PonoMusic? Yes. I would suggest using a simple file converter application such as this … http://sbooth.org/Max/
9. Does the PonoPlayer use Bluetooth? No Bluetooth. Audio over Bluetooth is not suitable for high resolution.
10. Any DRM limits on PonoMusic? None.
11. Can I use the player with my car's USB port and see the songs on my car's display? No. You can use the player as an auxiliary source and plug it into the car's input connector.
12. Where will the PonoMusic Store be available? The PonoMusic.com Store will launch in the US, UK, and Canada. We plan to grow and expand from there.
13. I would love to be an artist featured in the PonoMusic.com Store! How can I? Awesome! Please send an email to artists@ponomusic.com.
14. Do you have any plans to make any more $200 Early Bird players available? Unfortunately, no. That is the nature of the Early Bird option! We encourage you to consider the yellow and black players, which are still discounted. Plus stay tuned for more Artist Signature Series players.
15. I just bought a PonoPlayer but would love to also get a T-shirt! How can I? Kickstarter only allows for one reward per donor. I'd recommend using another credit card. Thanks for your support!
希望各位最緊要係搵到自己想買既玩具喇! |