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[顯示器] sony x5500 (轉載)









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本帖最後由 king66105 於 2009-8-14 10:34 編輯

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引述 flatpanelshd.com:

索尼 ’s X 系列是很多人視為最佳液晶電視市場上。 在 X 4500 的目前索尼是頂部的模型,但 X 5500 預計在九月 2009年在今年的 IFA 2009 消費電子產品展柏林展出。 FlatpanelsHD 這裡有第一的詳細資訊。

X 系列有 1 年的一種傳統的生命週期。 索尼 X 5500 設置為啟動九月或十月,預計展出的第一次大的消費者對電子公平在柏林 IFA 2009 今年九月。

X 5500 將包含新功能,但在同一時間保持忠於 X 系列我們知道它。 因此,X 5500 將使用一個新興的索尼 200 Hz 系統在擴展 Pro 版本只是中像當前的 X 4500 集成了議案流 100 Hz Pro。 與 Sony 的傳統 100 Hz 和 200 Hz System (在 Z4500 和 Z5500),不同 Pro 版本集成了一個已知作為黑幀插入 (BFI) 的原則。 BFI 利用人眼需要 “ 設 ” 定期的基本原則。 人眼不忘圖片馬上就因為它在短時間內對角膜此後。 你可能從 “ 掛起 ” 了一會兒你的眼角膜一個非常快速的光閃光識別這。 但重通過插入原始的框架之間很短黑幀,索尼可以不斷置的眼,你認為更流暢和不議案尾隨的電視上的圖像。

X 5500 也會特徵 LED 背光與本地調光指 LED 位於後面液晶顯示面板,並可控制在多個區域,就像對 thePhilips LED Lux 模型。

與 X 4500 一系列不同的是所謂的 RGB LED,不同的顏色將替換 X 5500 的白色 LED。 它可以保存生產成本,並鑒於 X 4500 做不以充分利用利用 RGB LED,似乎合理的配置。
X 5500 會有 DLNA 成立為法團。 在 X 5500 DLNA 一起使用視頻、 音樂和照片。 此外,索尼已準備好 X 5500 他們 AppliCast 網路系統的新的和已更新版本。 我們在我們的 W5500 檢討看 AppliCast 系統。 新視窗,以及更好的 RSS 支援新的擴展的 AppliCast。

最後,X 5500 將比當前的 X 4500 系列亭亭玉立和合併 Bravia 引擎 3 (BE3)。 X 5500 已與 mpeg4 支援以及集成數位調諧器。

索尼 X 5500 可于 40、 46 和與各自的模型名稱 KDL-40 X 5500,X 5500 KDL 46 和 X 5500 KDL 55 55 英寸。 內部人員推測有關一個 65 英寸版本,但它 ’s 尚未被確認由 Sony。

根據 FlatpanelsHD ’s 源索尼 X 5500 將展示 IFA 2009 上,在九月初,預計在九月 / 十月 2009年書架上。 索尼已但不發佈官方的價格,但它們表明在的 40 英寸模型 KDL-40 5500,X 將有約 1.999 歐元的價格標記。

Quote from flatpanelshd.com:

Sony’s X series is by many regarded as the best LCD-TV on the market. At the present Sony X4500 is the top model but X5500 is expected to be exhibited at this year's IFA 2009 consumer electronics fair in Berlin in September 2009. FlatpanelsHD have the first details here.

The X series has a traditional life cycle of 1 year. Sony X5500 is set to launch September or October and is expected to be exhibited for the first time on the big consumer electronics fair IFA 2009 in Berlin this September.

X5500 will contain new functionality but at the same time stay faithful to the X series as we know it. Thus, X5500 will use a newly developed Sony 200 Hz system in an expanded Pro version just like the current X4500 incorporates Motion Flow 100Hz Pro. Unlike Sony's traditional 100 Hz and 200 Hz system (in Z4500 and Z5500), the Pro version incorporates a principle known as Black Frame Insertion (BFI). BFI utilizes the basic principle that the human eye needs to be “reset” regularly. The human eye does not forget a picture right away because it stays on the cornea for a short period of time. You might recognize this from a very quick light flash that “hangs” for a while on your cornea. But by inserting very short black frames between the original frames, Sony can constantly reset the eye, so you perceive the image on the TV as smoother and without motion trailing.

X5500 will also feature a LED backlight with local dimming, which means that LEDs are located behind the LCD panel and can be controlled in a number of zones, just like on thePhilips LED Lux model.

Unlike the X4500 series, the so-called RGB LEDs in different colours will be replaced with white LEDs on X5500. It can save production costs, and given the fact that X4500 do not take advantage of the full potential in RGB LEDs, it seems a sensible disposition.
X5500 will have DLNA incorporated. DLNA in X5500 works with video, music and photos. In addition, Sony has a new and updated version of their AppliCast internet system ready for the X5500. We looked at the AppliCast system in our W5500 review. The new extended AppliCast has new widgets as well as better RSS support.

Finally, the X5500 will be slimmer than the current X4500 series and incorporate Bravia Engine 3 (BE3). X5500 has integrated digital tuners with mpeg4 support as well.

Sony X5500 will be available in 40, 46 and 55-inches with the respective model names KDL-40X5500, KDL-46X5500 and KDL-55X5500. Insiders speculate about a 65-inch version but it’s has not yet been confirmed by Sony.

According to FlatpanelsHD’s sources Sony X5500 will be exhibited on IFA 2009 in early September and is expected on the shelves in September / October 2009. Sony has not released official prices yet but they indicate that the 40-inch model, KDL-40X5500, will have a price tag of around 1.999 Euro


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白色 LED replace RGB LED

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