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[Youtube 短片分享] 黃宇希 - The Way We Dance









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黃宇希 - The Way We Dance  


唱: 黃宇希@Honger Music Venture
曲: 戴偉
詞: 陳心遙
編: 戴偉
監: 戴偉

Don't you worry about who you're meant to be
Don't you worry about what you will see
Forget all footprints that people left behind
Follow your sense to cross the fence
The day has dawned All tears are gone
The night has fallen A nova has been born

You can fly In the sky The way we dance
Stretch out your hands To catch the dreams
They are something like diamonds in the rough that's waiting to shine
There aint no hills that's too steep to climb
There aint no pains that could make you cry
You're much more stronger than people think you are
Carry that strength to fight your fate

The day has dawned All tears are gone
The night has fallen A nova has been born
You can fly In the sky The way we dance
Stretch out your hands To catch the dreams
They are something like diamonds in the rough that's waiting to shine

Open your eyes Look in the sky Lift up your mind It is the time to rise
You can fly In the sky The day has dawned All tears are gone
The night has fallen A nova has been born You can fly In the sky
The way we dance Stretch out your hands To catch the dreams
They are something like diamonds in the rough that's waiting to shine
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