ernietse 發表於 2013-11-8 10:36
Can you tell the sound difference among your collection? Which one is the worse and best version?? ...
Since I don't have the "GOLD EARS" and haven't any high end Hi Fi, so my choice is just for normal reference...
From my so-so hi fi system, basically I will vote the Denon made 2 discs complete concert version for the best one.It doesn't mean the US made version is not good. Just only I like the Denon made one....for the overall of the balance of the music performance,e.g.人聲的表現,演奏音樂中樂器的表達及定位等都是兩個版本中較貼我自己心意.
ultramanzoffy 發表於 2013-11-11 02:35
Since I don't have the "GOLD EARS" and haven't any high end Hi Fi, so my choice is just for normal ...
received! thank you for your advise!
but obviously it is hard to find the japan-made DENON edition now!
of course, I like Nippon Columbia (DENON) products too, obviously you will see my signature below that I bought DENON AV4311 because of Japan-made too
but my always gut feeling (experience in buying many same CD reissue copies) that most of the new format of remastered are just marketing gimmick,
as the original Mastertape are ageing and the tape is wearing off; the new technology is simply makes thing simple and easy in a visible fashion,
I strongly believe the older or first or second pressing of compact disc is good enough for our human ears already
Made in USA的 正相7NPure gold香港Sony MUSIC發行的AMCD肯定是最終極版本,連鬼佬都猛讚係咁多CD版本中最有Surprise的一個版本!
因為7N金AMCD係前身美國三洋廠印製,亦是歷來MFSL的專用生產商,所以質量有—定保證,肯定秒殺K2 HD CD版本!!!