跟住就不得提Rainbow 喇,Blackmore + Powell.大師級結他,剛中帶柔,加埋鼓王,
强烈推介:Difficult to Cure - crossover with orchestra by Takashi Hiroi in Budokan 1984, 全長11:13.好聽過studio version 好多,
Man on the silver mountain - at the Omni, Altanta, 1978, vocal Ronnie James Dio, Drums Cozy Powell, 長8:18
Long Live Rock N Roll 7:07 夠晒氣氛.
再補充多啲,如deep purple 嘅soldier of fortune你有聽過的話(當然唔係whitesnake個accoustic版),rainbow嘅一首temple of the king相信你亦都不會錯過,但兩都一樣享有異曲同功之妙,可惜好像從沒有現場版本出現過,只收錄係佢哋首張同名大碟。{:9_424:}
ilovemusic 發表於 2013-8-29 23:49
可能隊band跟本唔鍾意呢首歌,或者外國從來無hit過!正如deep purple嘅soldier of furtune,都好似未見過 ...
印象中Deep Purple嘅live 的確好少唱Soldier of fortune, 因為我估Gillan 吾會唱Coverdale 唱嘅歌,記憶中喺HMV見過一隻DP嘅live有唱,碟名係Final Concert in Japan(美版)裹面係無Gillan同Blackmore.彈吉他好似係Bolin.但係Coverdale在Whitesnake度就有唱翻吾止一次,依家介紹E隻Whitesnake-the silver anniversary collection,就有玩Soldier of fortune既LIVE ,正野!原來係Starkers in Tokyo 嘅錄音版本,仲有Sailing Ships 添