I just bought my velodyne CHT-10Q 1 month and out of service yesterday
The LED show some error code yesterday then the power output almost reduce 50% compared with previous in the same volume level.
What I can do now just send back to maintenance but I scare if this case will happen again expecially the warranty overdue. (After 1 year)
Any CHing have same experience, please share...thanks!
u've already used for 1 month, so sending back for maintenance seems to be the best solution.
In parallel, u can ask velodyne to explain why this happens for better understanding.
Already checked by velodyne but the answer is no problem. They replied they don't know how is the original power looks like becuase they don't have new CHT-10Q for side by side comparsion. Anyway, they try to find another 10Q then compare again,.
It is very strange that the power will be more after connect both L and R input. However, Sub out always have 1 output only. It is very strange why Velodyne have this kind of Design...
Already checked by velodyne but the answer is no problem. They replied they don't know how is the original power looks like becuase they don't have new CHT-10Q for side by side comparsion. Anyway, the ...
kojitamaki 發表於 2009-8-4 12:54
L R 插晒 output 大d 係好正常, 唔係淨係 Velodyne 係咁.
而市面亦有 1 出 2 轉插或者 1 出 2 woofer 線賣... 不過好多師兄都講過係冇必要.
Anyway, I really feel the power is much less than I just bought before when connect L only. Even much weaker than my previous 5.1 cheap cheap system with only 8" woofer. Hopefully the maintenance can find the new one to compare...