TV用途: 60% 睇tv/睇戲, 40%打機
amp +喇叭用途:60%睇戲 40%打機/聽歌
budget around $40,000買:
46 LCDTV -目標: sony x4500, w4500, sharp g77, gx3d, Samsung 6000 led
amp +喇叭 -目標: onkyo 607 + dali set or 607 + b&w set (fotxxxx package)
blue ray: ps3 (pioneer 320, 比 D brother 毒到心郁郁….., so how about Philips bdp7300??)
hd recorder: magic tv
TV心儀SONY X4500但係太貴,現實啲 SHARP G77, GX3DH及SONY W4500 邊個好啲? (我們睇電視/打機時間都不少,睇高清台如不用錄影,應該會用MAGIC TV TUNER 睇)
而喇叭 first choice DALI 坐地,但係同新居度個呎,DALI SIZE就真係大咗啲(及老細唔LIKE咁大坐)。 B&W VM1 外形FIT 晒新居設計,但就係衛星喇叭。
I will move to new home at Oct, also I will set up my first 5.1 HD theatre
my new living room has 9 feet x 14 feet,
14 feet
+ + 9 feet
+ +
budget is around $40000 buy:
46 lcdtv - target: sony x4500, w4500, samsung 6000 led, sharp gx3dh
amp + speaker - target: 607 + dali or 607 + b&w (fotxxxx package)
blue ray: ps3
hd recorder: magic tv
about tv, my first choice is x4500 but now is expensive
about speaker my 1st target is dali but after i check my flat, dali 'stand floor' speaker is like too big to me....
b&w vm1 outlook is fit my new home design, but this is 'satallie' speaker,
so which is fit to my flat?
which sound is best?
every ching pls give me some advise....
i will serious think about with yr advise because i m a new new new boy...
and i will post my update to u all
of course after all sep up i will post the photo to u all la
Definitely, as for the B&W as compared to Deli, I will suggest B&W especially if you've mentioned that you're new in the AV. Deli, of course they are not bad, so you should try and test them out in the showroom in TST fortreXX, as they have both B&W and Deli displayed. See what fit your style of listening. If compared to the Blueray player with PS3 in respect of audio and video quality...of cos it's blueray player's call (chinese saying: your mom's a woman)! It's only the $$ and your preference that matters (at least so far if you don't play video games) ..
As for the Samsung series 6000 iDTV, no problem for me as i'm planning for one as well. May be the reputation of the after-sale service is in doubt (as many Ching mentioned in the previous forum)....u don't know til things went wrong..But the series worth a try in terms of monetary concerns.